00:03.857 --> 00:18.606
[Charles Kovess]: Welcome to Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International, and today's special format of discussion, which will be a discussion between two experts in the field, J.J.

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[Charles Kovess]: Couey and Sucharit Bhakti.

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[Charles Kovess]: Both of them have presented on a number of occasions to us.

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[Charles Kovess]: We're so grateful that they have.

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[Charles Kovess]: And this group was founded by Dr. Stephen Frost.

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[Charles Kovess]: I'm Charles Kovess, the moderator.

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[Charles Kovess]: We comprise lots of professions here, and we're from all around the world.

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[Charles Kovess]: This group has been going for over three years.

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[Charles Kovess]: Most of us understand we're in the middle of World War III, and that the medical science battle is only one of 12 battlefronts in this world war.

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[Charles Kovess]: But today we're focusing on the medical science battle, although I haven't been briefed precisely, Jay and Sucharit, how you're going to have this discussion, but we're very much looking forward to this.

01:04.261 --> 01:09.084
[Charles Kovess]: most of us understand the development of science and that the science is never settled.

01:10.525 --> 01:17.389
[Charles Kovess]: So we will listen to Jay and Sucharit for as long as they wish to discuss and then we'll have an opportunity for questions.

01:17.469 --> 01:20.731
[Charles Kovess]: Jay is only with us for an hour and a quarter from now.

01:22.565 --> 01:28.487
[Charles Kovess]: Jay, so thank you, Stephen Frost, for creating this group.

01:28.807 --> 01:30.568
[Charles Kovess]: Thank you, everyone, for being here.

01:31.048 --> 01:37.870
[Charles Kovess]: Sucharit and Jay, their CVs can be found on their presentations, so I won't go through those backgrounds.

01:38.891 --> 01:48.994
[Charles Kovess]: And Stephen, in terms of the format that you have discussed with Jay and Sucharit, we're just going to let them in.

01:49.614 --> 01:51.676
[Stephen Frost]: Charles, I'll just tell you as much as I know.

01:51.716 --> 01:57.579
[Stephen Frost]: So I spoke to JJ last night and to Sucharit too, but I didn't want to weigh down Sucharit.

01:57.619 --> 02:10.008
[Stephen Frost]: So I asked JJ what he thought and he said, could I just do a brief presentation to kind of, and obviously if Sucharit wants to do the same, that's fine.

02:10.248 --> 02:13.130
[Stephen Frost]: So I think JJ was thinking about 10, 15 minutes.

02:14.110 --> 02:16.272
[Stephen Frost]: And then I think the best thing would be if

02:17.335 --> 02:19.657
[Stephen Frost]: JJ and Sucharit could just talk.

02:20.137 --> 02:30.485
[Stephen Frost]: And I suggested to JJ that if I, you know, I think the aim of the exercise is to have a very interesting video.

02:30.505 --> 02:41.453
[Stephen Frost]: It doesn't, they don't have to agree on everything, but I think that makes the video as interesting as possible.

02:41.753 --> 02:41.953
[Stephen Frost]: And,

02:42.834 --> 02:51.419
[Stephen Frost]: and so keeping in mind that it's a document which can be viewed by people all around the world in two years' time even, or five years' time.

02:53.560 --> 03:04.227
[Stephen Frost]: And I said that maybe, did I have his permission to interrupt if I thought that the meeting was going a little bit astray as far as what I think the public need to know?

03:05.147 --> 03:07.250
[Stephen Frost]: Absolutely, and I think that's fine.

03:07.630 --> 03:13.877
[Stephen Frost]: Yes, maybe Sucharit wouldn't agree, but I'll try not to interrupt Sucharit and JJ.

03:15.819 --> 03:16.600
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Sure, go ahead.

03:18.323 --> 03:22.366
[J Jay Couey]: So if everybody's agreeing that I'm starting, I'm ready.

03:22.726 --> 03:24.968
[J Jay Couey]: Are you happy with that, Sucharit?

03:25.088 --> 03:25.888
[J Jay Couey]: You don't have to agree.

03:25.989 --> 03:26.629
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Sure, sure.

03:27.129 --> 03:28.530
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I'm happy with almost everything.

03:29.371 --> 03:36.096
[J Jay Couey]: If you are not seeing my screen now and me on my screen, then when I switch over here, you won't see me either.

03:37.037 --> 03:37.938
[J Jay Couey]: Yes, we can see that.

03:37.978 --> 03:39.419
[J Jay Couey]: Okay, Jay, it's okay.

03:40.319 --> 03:42.000
[J Jay Couey]: If you need to, you got to go to speaker view.

03:42.841 --> 03:49.445
[J Jay Couey]: So I come to you, Sucharit, and I'm going to make this a personal message because everyone here has seen me a lot of times.

03:49.485 --> 03:50.726
[J Jay Couey]: So we're all good friends here.

03:51.747 --> 03:57.851
[J Jay Couey]: But Sucharit and I actually first crossed paths in the original Doctors for COVID Ethics before it blew up.

03:58.651 --> 04:06.357
[J Jay Couey]: And I remember that those first few meetings very well, because the first time that I clicked on that Zoom meeting, and I saw you and

04:07.277 --> 04:10.959
[J Jay Couey]: And Wolfgang Wodarg, I actually thought it wasn't going to last very much longer.

04:11.199 --> 04:16.622
[J Jay Couey]: And I'm coming to you as an American because I think America is actually under attack.

04:17.022 --> 04:27.147
[J Jay Couey]: I think we're being undermined from the inside by traders who are collaborating with other people in other nations that have similar problems to manage.

04:28.087 --> 04:49.078
[J Jay Couey]: And so I start this stream with like, or this explanation with like a little bit of words that have Fauci behind them and a little smoke, because I think there's a 30,000 foot message here that at the start of the pandemic, they convinced us to go home and get on social media and argue with the people that they put in front of us and argue about what they were arguing about.

04:49.739 --> 04:56.663
[J Jay Couey]: And by doing that, we actually accepted the premises of their narrative that included this crazy novel virus that everybody was vulnerable to.

04:57.523 --> 05:02.984
[J Jay Couey]: And this theater actually spans almost the entire mythology of what we've been following.

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[J Jay Couey]: And unfortunately for me as an American, a lot of my history is part of this mythology.

05:08.405 --> 05:14.926
[J Jay Couey]: We have been governed by stories about what we're doing in different countries and what we mean to do there and how we're spending our money.

05:15.446 --> 05:24.428
[J Jay Couey]: And we have been behind our TVs and cheering for our sports teams, not realizing that our government was out of our control for the last two or three decades.

05:25.268 --> 05:30.913
[J Jay Couey]: And so for me, it's very, very important to emphasize that I was particularly trapped on Twitter.

05:31.494 --> 05:38.540
[J Jay Couey]: And because Twitter was presented to me as this place where people were getting away with giving out information that the government didn't want them to give away with.

05:39.141 --> 05:45.927
[J Jay Couey]: And I got tied in with all of these people that have risen to be international heroes at COVID summits and

05:46.447 --> 05:48.448
[J Jay Couey]: and giving speeches in front of crowds.

05:48.528 --> 05:50.769
[J Jay Couey]: And all of these people know who I am.

05:50.789 --> 05:55.951
[J Jay Couey]: A lot of them even take selfies with me, but none of them will talk about the biology that I've come to understand.

05:56.911 --> 06:00.532
[J Jay Couey]: And if you can hear the noise there, that's the guy in that chair.

06:01.393 --> 06:12.317
[J Jay Couey]: For five years, I thought I was fighting Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx and the CDC and the lies that Peter Daszak had made some virus with the Chinese.

06:12.357 --> 06:14.818
[J Jay Couey]: And I thought I was fighting them by promoting these people,

06:16.179 --> 06:21.686
[J Jay Couey]: by trying to get on their podcast, by trying to argue with them, by trying to get them to notice me.

06:22.207 --> 06:25.171
[J Jay Couey]: And what I didn't realize was that was all part of that big game.

06:25.191 --> 06:29.617
[J Jay Couey]: And I don't want you to underestimate how much

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[J Jay Couey]: sort of UFO-like pain I've been through.

06:34.221 --> 06:37.564
[J Jay Couey]: And when I say UFO-like pain, I mean, I was totally in.

06:37.624 --> 06:39.565
[J Jay Couey]: I wanted to be a tenure track professor.

06:39.625 --> 06:40.666
[J Jay Couey]: I was a biologist.

06:41.146 --> 06:43.108
[J Jay Couey]: I wanted to learn the university system.

06:43.148 --> 06:44.769
[J Jay Couey]: I wanted to learn how to write grants.

06:45.309 --> 06:51.934
[J Jay Couey]: And so I would have given anything to keep my job at the beginning of the pandemic, but I also knew that something crazy was going on.

06:52.294 --> 06:55.917
[J Jay Couey]: And so at the beginning of the pandemic, I ended up getting fired from

06:56.437 --> 06:58.479
[J Jay Couey]: the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

06:58.499 --> 07:08.350
[J Jay Couey]: And as far as I know, I'm the only person in America that actually lost a job in 2020 with a track record of just doing academic biology and trying to make it.

07:08.410 --> 07:13.696
[J Jay Couey]: And in fact, my CV includes a Nobel Prize winning lab and five papers with them.

07:13.756 --> 07:17.720
[J Jay Couey]: So it's a little bit dubious for me that I'm the only...

07:18.781 --> 07:19.942
[J Jay Couey]: I don't want to toot my own horn.

07:19.982 --> 07:26.364
[J Jay Couey]: I want you to see how desperate it is in America that actually all the Americans that have risen as heroes didn't lose anything.

07:27.064 --> 07:31.846
[J Jay Couey]: And in fact, my resume includes a whole year where I was employed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

07:32.006 --> 07:34.447
[J Jay Couey]: and Children's Health Defense to help him write this book.

07:34.967 --> 07:38.108
[J Jay Couey]: And you can even see my name in the acknowledgments.

07:38.268 --> 07:45.571
[J Jay Couey]: And I worked for Children's Health Defense afterward for another six months before they fired me for talking about Robert Malone on my stream.

07:46.431 --> 07:59.541
[J Jay Couey]: And so I have been trying to teach people to understand that what they told us on the TV and in social media is not the truth, but also that I don't know what the truth is.

07:59.782 --> 08:00.982
[J Jay Couey]: I only know that they're lying.

08:01.023 --> 08:02.404
[J Jay Couey]: So I'm sorry I'm goofing around a little bit.

08:02.424 --> 08:04.785
[J Jay Couey]: I'm trying to get this window a little smaller there so I can see.

08:05.746 --> 08:18.292
[Stephen Frost]: I'd just like to say something that, from my perspective, we've had hundreds of guests on this channel, and so I've got used to listening to people saying various things about what's happened in the last four and a half years.

08:19.113 --> 08:27.117
[Stephen Frost]: And Sucharit Bhakti, Professor Dr. Sucharit Bhakti, Thai-German, and you, JJ Couey, Dr. JJ Couey, PhD,

08:28.567 --> 08:31.029
[Stephen Frost]: are the outstanding people on our side.

08:31.749 --> 08:34.050
[Stephen Frost]: Maybe Mike Yeadon as well.

08:34.311 --> 08:41.274
[Stephen Frost]: He was invited tonight, but I thought that he was a little bit hard to get, but he always is like that.

08:41.334 --> 08:45.096
[Stephen Frost]: So I thought actually it would benefit tonight.

08:45.157 --> 08:46.958
[Stephen Frost]: It would be good to have just you and

08:48.038 --> 09:02.404
[Stephen Frost]: Sucharit anyway and we can have Mike Yeadon another time. But I think he's up there with you too but I think everyone in the world should listen to what you two have to say because I think from my perspective as a British medical doctor,

09:03.685 --> 09:14.973
[Stephen Frost]: you are the two outstanding experts on COVID-19 and whether there was a pandemic or not, and whether there was in fact a disease called COVID-19, whether there was a new respiratory disease.

09:15.394 --> 09:17.996
[Stephen Frost]: I think you are the two guys who can work it out together.

09:18.902 --> 09:19.622
[J Jay Couey]: Thank you very much.

09:19.702 --> 09:22.164
[J Jay Couey]: And I think we have to work it out together as a story.

09:22.204 --> 09:28.468
[J Jay Couey]: And so the current narrative that all of us, most of us have been brought to understand is crucial.

09:28.568 --> 09:39.734
[J Jay Couey]: And if you watch this list and think about it as I read it, it should really bring into focus how even both sides of our countries have basically come to accept a middle ground narrative.

09:39.774 --> 09:40.475
[J Jay Couey]: The first one is,

09:41.115 --> 09:45.637
[J Jay Couey]: that the truth was definitely censored on social media in 2020 and 2021.

09:45.697 --> 09:55.360
[J Jay Couey]: The other part of this narrative is that a novel virus swept the world, including twice in 2021, because there was a variant and then there was Omicron, and everybody got both of those.

09:56.280 --> 10:02.963
[J Jay Couey]: The shortage or overuse, depending on who you talk to, sometimes it was a shortage, sometimes it was overuse of ventilators killed people.

10:03.663 --> 10:09.265
[J Jay Couey]: There was no expected rise of all cause mortality, all the novel deaths, all the excess deaths,

10:09.805 --> 10:12.709
[J Jay Couey]: in these countries were a result of this novel virus.

10:13.590 --> 10:23.781
[J Jay Couey]: We rushed the rollout of this new technology, and that saved people, but we made a lot of mistakes with it, and now it's starting to come out what kinds of mistakes we might have made by rushing it.

10:24.722 --> 10:40.099
[J Jay Couey]: And then once we stop using this toxic spike protein, when once we clean up the DNA contamination, the methodology of transfection, which is what it was called when it was sold as many different products before 2020, transfection is good to go to use in humans forever.

10:40.119 --> 10:41.281
[J Jay Couey]: That's where we are.

10:41.761 --> 10:44.865
[J Jay Couey]: And in fact, we are where most people have come to accept that

10:45.305 --> 10:54.133
[J Jay Couey]: the old vaccines and the new vaccines remain a wonderfully, wonderful, great way to augment the immune system via intramuscular injection.

10:54.193 --> 10:58.577
[J Jay Couey]: That's where most people on the planet are in most Western countries.

10:58.637 --> 11:11.629
[J Jay Couey]: And this terrifies me because after five years going from a complete naive academic biologist to a full-blown skeptic, I've come to understand biology

11:13.044 --> 11:15.885
[J Jay Couey]: well enough to be able to explain why this isn't true.

11:15.985 --> 11:33.173
[J Jay Couey]: So if you take this, and I just want to make sure we're doing all the same mental exercise here, if you take this and try to explain this little part of the graph down here, if you can see my arrow, this little part of the graph down here, if you try to explain it with a pie graph, what you might do is say that the red is 32% COVID,

11:35.234 --> 11:37.815
[J Jay Couey]: the yellow is vents and protocols.

11:37.855 --> 11:38.796
[J Jay Couey]: We killed some people.

11:39.656 --> 11:43.698
[J Jay Couey]: The vaccines are now hurting a lot of people, and they hurt a lot of people after 2021.

11:44.859 --> 11:47.020
[J Jay Couey]: And then, of course, there are just these people that died.

11:47.060 --> 11:51.722
[J Jay Couey]: And so that's how the mainstream narrative would explain what happened here.

11:51.742 --> 11:52.542
[J Jay Couey]: We had a virus.

11:53.123 --> 11:54.363
[J Jay Couey]: We also had a response.

11:54.443 --> 11:55.484
[J Jay Couey]: Some of it was botched.

11:55.864 --> 11:58.685
[J Jay Couey]: Some people committed suicide because of the lockdown, all that stuff.

11:59.066 --> 12:00.286
[J Jay Couey]: That's all wrapped up in here.

12:00.326 --> 12:03.468
[J Jay Couey]: And we have all come to accept that that's just what happens when there's a crisis.

12:04.676 --> 12:07.777
[J Jay Couey]: Now, I would argue that that's absolutely not the case.

12:07.817 --> 12:09.078
[J Jay Couey]: Let's start with the first one.

12:09.178 --> 12:12.979
[J Jay Couey]: Truth wasn't censored on Twitter and social media.

12:13.039 --> 12:20.321
[J Jay Couey]: Truth was faux-censored on Twitter, and people followed the people who got to go on Tucker Carlson and complain about it.

12:20.742 --> 12:24.763
[J Jay Couey]: People followed the people who got censored on LinkedIn and then went to Gab.

12:25.203 --> 12:27.585
[J Jay Couey]: And went to Telegram and went to locals.

12:28.005 --> 12:39.394
[J Jay Couey]: And so actually they got us to perform several times via our phone and our social media, a literal button push to tell them that we were the dissidents and what we were doing and what we were willing to do.

12:39.795 --> 12:41.376
[J Jay Couey]: Were you willing to log into another

12:41.876 --> 12:42.756
[J Jay Couey]: another platform?

12:42.796 --> 12:45.637
[J Jay Couey]: Were you willing to give your credit card again?

12:45.677 --> 12:46.357
[J Jay Couey]: This kind of thing.

12:46.417 --> 12:48.737
[J Jay Couey]: So did a novel virus sweep the world?

12:49.478 --> 12:50.138
[J Jay Couey]: I don't think so.

12:50.198 --> 13:03.120
[J Jay Couey]: I think a background noise was misconstrued as novel spread, and I can explain how that is absolutely undifferentiatable from what they say they have as 16 million sequences of SARS-CoV-2.

13:03.540 --> 13:06.421
[J Jay Couey]: The shortage or overuse of ventilators killed people.

13:06.521 --> 13:09.862
[J Jay Couey]: I've challenged every doctor that I've ever been able to talk to to

13:11.542 --> 13:17.985
[J Jay Couey]: figure out whether they already knew that pure oxygen can cause acute respiratory distress syndrome.

13:18.466 --> 13:24.309
[J Jay Couey]: Because in the literature, I have accumulated more than a thousand articles from

13:25.586 --> 13:35.091
[J Jay Couey]: before the pandemic, but many of them even predate 1990, where people realized that in the ICU, if you give somebody pure oxygen, they're going to go south.

13:35.171 --> 13:35.791
[J Jay Couey]: And why?

13:35.872 --> 13:38.333
[J Jay Couey]: And then they experimented with actually all the way down to 80%.

13:39.133 --> 13:47.458
[J Jay Couey]: If you give it to them pure, not the right way, without monitoring, you can drive them right into ARDS, which will lead to bacterial pneumonia and sepsis and everything else.

13:48.098 --> 14:00.125
[J Jay Couey]: And so that literature is very strangely contrasting with what we did in America, which is we had people like Pierre Kory going in front of the Senate telling people that they were low on oxygen in New York City.

14:00.165 --> 14:04.587
[J Jay Couey]: And the way they solved it was giving them pure oxygen up to 60 liters a minute.

14:06.789 --> 14:10.953
[J Jay Couey]: And this murdered people, and then they called it COVID in the hospital.

14:11.433 --> 14:15.396
[J Jay Couey]: There was no expected rise in all-cause mortality on the radar of any country.

14:15.436 --> 14:16.557
[J Jay Couey]: That's an absolute lie.

14:16.597 --> 14:33.411
[J Jay Couey]: We've known since the 80s that because we had big families after World War II, and then the family size slowly decreased, while at the same time, our ability to keep people alive and take care of people at end-of-life care has greatly increased in our for-profit healthcare system.

14:34.472 --> 14:44.759
[J Jay Couey]: Medicare is half of America's budget, and America has known for the last 15 or 20 years that if we let these baby boomers age out on Medicare, we will go bankrupt.

14:45.400 --> 14:50.664
[J Jay Couey]: There's footage of Ted Turner talking about this on TV in the 90s that I remembered.

14:51.204 --> 14:55.747
[J Jay Couey]: So this is not something that all these countries didn't know was going to happen, and guess what?

14:56.248 --> 14:58.169
[J Jay Couey]: The Chinese also had this problem.

14:58.189 --> 15:01.892
[J Jay Couey]: That's why they instituted the one-child policy in the first place.

15:01.932 --> 15:12.640
[J Jay Couey]: So we were at a time frame when all these countries were going to have an inconvenient level of all-cause mortality, and they had a real bona fide reason to manage it.

15:13.320 --> 15:15.263
[J Jay Couey]: So we rushed out a new technology.

15:15.323 --> 15:15.864
[J Jay Couey]: No, we didn't.

15:16.405 --> 15:20.951
[J Jay Couey]: We rushed it out in the guise of a crisis so that we could hide the expected downsides.

15:20.991 --> 15:23.975
[J Jay Couey]: We've always known transfection wouldn't work in healthy humans.

15:24.436 --> 15:28.862
[J Jay Couey]: That's why it was only tested on cancer patients and other people that were going to die before the pandemic.

15:29.463 --> 15:39.985
[J Jay Couey]: So we accept this technology and we'll never be able to evaluate vaccination again because it starts to become a platform where you substitute what you put in as a cassette.

15:40.045 --> 15:46.947
[J Jay Couey]: And so they're casting a spell on you to think that once this methodology is proven, then we can put any Lego we want in there.

15:47.387 --> 15:53.248
[J Jay Couey]: And if that Lego is bad, well, we'll just fix the Lego instead of fixing the methodology when the methodology was bunk from the start.

15:53.948 --> 15:56.011
[J Jay Couey]: So vaccines remain a wonderfully great way?

15:56.031 --> 15:56.992
[J Jay Couey]: I would say no.

15:57.072 --> 16:02.899
[J Jay Couey]: I would say intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.

16:03.679 --> 16:06.903
[J Jay Couey]: If there are exceptions to that rule, then let's find them.

16:06.923 --> 16:10.507
[J Jay Couey]: But I don't think there are very many, and none of them have to do with viruses.

16:11.168 --> 16:12.470
[J Jay Couey]: Now, if this is the truth,

16:13.752 --> 16:25.735
[J Jay Couey]: then we would explain what happened in 2020 and 2021 very differently, because we would have expected a rise in all-cause mortality in all of these countries that agreed to the new normal and build back better.

16:26.656 --> 16:31.157
[J Jay Couey]: All these countries had exactly the same problem, and so they expected a lot of people to die.

16:31.717 --> 16:37.959
[J Jay Couey]: And so what better way to manage these people than to murder them instead of keep them alive for the last year of their life?

16:38.439 --> 16:58.341
[J Jay Couey]: And so many countries had this problem, it's very hard to underestimate how easily they could have done it if they just used pure oxygen, or if they just starved people in the hospitals of Scotland, in the care homes of Scotland, or let them die of thirst, or urinary tract infection, because you know, antibiotics don't work on a viral disease.

17:01.450 --> 17:05.431
[J Jay Couey]: So I think I can summarize this best in four basic headlines.

17:05.511 --> 17:08.112
[J Jay Couey]: And so I would like you to ask questions based on these headlines.

17:08.172 --> 17:10.712
[J Jay Couey]: And I'm going to go real quick now because I want you to have time.

17:11.593 --> 17:17.254
[J Jay Couey]: The biological and actuarial backgrounds have been ignored by so many actuaries and so many virologists.

17:17.314 --> 17:24.976
[J Jay Couey]: So I'm going to explain why there can be a background signal that we would never have known about before the pandemic simply because we weren't testing for it.

17:25.276 --> 17:28.377
[J Jay Couey]: And of course, what this actuarial background is.

17:29.531 --> 17:36.653
[J Jay Couey]: Murder in America was by opioids, number one, because we've lost almost a half a million Americans to opioids in the last four years.

17:36.693 --> 17:39.454
[J Jay Couey]: And you have to subtract those people from the COVID numbers.

17:39.474 --> 17:42.675
[J Jay Couey]: And if you do that, it's kind of like, bump, bump, ba-dum.

17:43.156 --> 17:44.196
[J Jay Couey]: There's not a lot left.

17:44.616 --> 17:47.697
[J Jay Couey]: And especially from the fact that those people are of all age groups.

17:47.737 --> 17:55.680
[J Jay Couey]: So the perceived decrease in life expectancy in America isn't from COVID, as Pierre Kory and

17:56.480 --> 17:58.502
[J Jay Couey]: and Tony Fauci would like you to believe.

17:59.322 --> 18:04.086
[J Jay Couey]: Pure oxygen murdered people, no antibiotics, and using steroids also murdered people.

18:04.126 --> 18:16.314
[J Jay Couey]: You can ask Robert Malone about that, because he joked about that on a podcast in 2021, where he explained that people were given dexamethasone, which is a hammer for their immune system, and then sent back to care homes to die of pneumonia.

18:16.374 --> 18:16.955
[J Jay Couey]: Again, because

18:17.655 --> 18:19.637
[J Jay Couey]: antibiotics don't work on a viral pneumonia.

18:19.717 --> 18:22.900
[J Jay Couey]: And then, of course, hospital neglect was all over the world.

18:23.000 --> 18:31.427
[J Jay Couey]: My father-in-law died of a urinary tract infection, and my sister-in-law had to take three or four vaccines in order to keep getting chemo in the Netherlands.

18:32.528 --> 18:39.053
[J Jay Couey]: PCR can be extremely high resolution on a university academic bench, but also nonsense for

18:39.393 --> 18:43.996
[J Jay Couey]: for PCR in COVID, and none of these people in five years have been able to explain that.

18:44.576 --> 18:59.104
[J Jay Couey]: And finally, RNA biology does not support the premises of a pandemic, and this is a coronavirus sub-protein, and this is a drug you might be familiar with, and the only reason why any of these people can make an argument about

18:59.964 --> 19:04.407
[J Jay Couey]: coronavirus being able to pandemic is because of these two little hints here.

19:04.447 --> 19:05.628
[J Jay Couey]: So we can talk about that too.

19:05.668 --> 19:06.969
[J Jay Couey]: So I'll explain it really quick.

19:07.029 --> 19:07.949
[J Jay Couey]: First, the biology.

19:08.810 --> 19:12.772
[J Jay Couey]: Everybody before the pandemic agreed that endemicity would be the scariest thing.

19:12.872 --> 19:16.755
[J Jay Couey]: From before the pandemic, people were talking about how if a bat cave virus gets out,

19:17.315 --> 19:25.662
[J Jay Couey]: the craziest thing would be as if it becomes endemic and contributes to this already terrible background of death that Mother Nature provides for us.

19:25.702 --> 19:28.984
[J Jay Couey]: So that is impossible to differentiate.

19:29.004 --> 19:30.025
[J Jay Couey]: This is endemicity.

19:30.065 --> 19:34.429
[J Jay Couey]: It's leaked in a mud puddle in Wuhan and suddenly it's everywhere, including in white-tailed deer.

19:35.572 --> 19:46.727
[J Jay Couey]: The endemicity is undifferentiated from an already existing background that the biosecurity state carefully characterized before 2020 because we don't have any data from before 2020.

19:46.908 --> 19:48.830
[J Jay Couey]: And isn't that convenient for them?

19:49.771 --> 19:50.613
[J Jay Couey]: Not one test.

19:51.815 --> 19:52.175
[J Jay Couey]: Nothing.

19:52.435 --> 20:05.818
[J Jay Couey]: Yet before, when the pandemic rolled out, I don't know if Senator Ron Johnson's aware, but at some point in 2021, we had over 200 EUA authorized diagnostics for COVID-19 that are all off the market now.

20:05.858 --> 20:06.579
[J Jay Couey]: They're all gone.

20:06.599 --> 20:11.940
[J Jay Couey]: And so the whole, the illusion of this background could have easily been sustained by any number of

20:12.760 --> 20:16.663
[J Jay Couey]: of, let's say, less than happy actors there.

20:16.723 --> 20:27.410
[J Jay Couey]: So the biological part can also be replaced by an actuarial part, because again, as I said, the population pyramid of America was top heavy.

20:27.530 --> 20:28.771
[J Jay Couey]: And these are bad numbers.

20:28.831 --> 20:30.212
[J Jay Couey]: I don't know where these numbers come from.

20:30.252 --> 20:42.380
[J Jay Couey]: I don't think these are probably accurate, because the real accurate numbers would show you exactly how much of a phenomenon was coming for the next five years that will go away in five years, because these old people will be gone.

20:43.680 --> 20:44.981
[J Jay Couey]: And they knew that was coming.

20:45.121 --> 20:48.242
[J Jay Couey]: I can't stress enough how all of these countries have known it was coming.

20:48.902 --> 21:02.388
[J Jay Couey]: And in fact, countries like the Netherlands and probably Germany, if you look into it, Canada, and China all had this problem that if they would have mismanagement of this problem would have left them with hospitals and care homes full of old people.

21:02.968 --> 21:09.670
[J Jay Couey]: And just countless amounts of money being spent on these, the last years of their lives.

21:09.710 --> 21:10.731
[J Jay Couey]: And so in America,

21:11.491 --> 21:19.877
[J Jay Couey]: with the opioid crisis, with supplementary oxygen, but also with lack of antibiotics, used ventilators, remdesivir, midazolam, all of these things.

21:20.017 --> 21:22.859
[J Jay Couey]: Do not resuscitate orders, fear, frustration, and doubt.

21:22.899 --> 21:26.742
[J Jay Couey]: People doing crazy stuff, yes, but they only had to do a little bit.

21:27.878 --> 21:32.122
[J Jay Couey]: They only had to do a little bit because the vast majority of this was expected.

21:32.182 --> 21:47.915
[J Jay Couey]: So if they used a military operation to sweep a few together in New York and a few other places, and then got a bunch of people on social media to scream with burning hair about it, it becomes very easy to cover up murder and lies and say that it's the start of a novel pandemic.

21:48.815 --> 21:50.056
[J Jay Couey]: And that's why I call it murder.

21:51.127 --> 21:53.748
[J Jay Couey]: And so these people are getting away with it by not talking about 2020.

21:54.408 --> 22:02.131
[J Jay Couey]: If you're wondering, there's a Scottish care home study and whatever that's been coming out a couple of years in a row now.

22:02.651 --> 22:05.432
[J Jay Couey]: It's just devastatingly obvious that they murdered people there.

22:05.812 --> 22:09.793
[J Jay Couey]: If you look at just the midazolam numbers for 2020, you can see the spike of murder.

22:09.813 --> 22:12.634
[J Jay Couey]: It's just very easy to see what they did.

22:12.674 --> 22:14.055
[J Jay Couey]: And it was a coordinated effort.

22:14.875 --> 22:25.524
[J Jay Couey]: And what's really scary is that all the people that were really into the pandemic in 2020, when I was still a faculty member at the University of Pittsburgh, didn't have any of these ideas in their head.

22:26.155 --> 22:30.038
[J Jay Couey]: They had no idea that there was an expected rise in all-cause mortality.

22:30.078 --> 22:35.983
[J Jay Couey]: They had no idea that oxygen could kill people if it was given to people at 60 liters a minute.

22:36.023 --> 22:42.028
[J Jay Couey]: Instead, they were super fired up about a furin cleavage site that they were sure meant that it was a gain-of-function virus.

22:42.048 --> 22:46.832
[J Jay Couey]: They were sure that mitochondrial damage was happening or that the virus was going up the olfactory nerve.

22:47.560 --> 23:05.571
[J Jay Couey]: And so all of these people were singing from the rooftops with different parts of a narrative that actually had nothing to do with what was going on, but were there just to cover up the murder and lies and make it easier for them to roll out the transfection because these same people are still in front of us in social media today.

23:05.611 --> 23:11.394
[J Jay Couey]: They still get in front of the Senate for the sixth time or the fourth time or whatever, they're all the same people.

23:12.035 --> 23:15.597
[J Jay Couey]: And these are people that are connected to this narrative, which has replaced

23:17.095 --> 23:25.608
[J Jay Couey]: a mystery virus Scooby-Doo story with what are actually the biology expected if they started transfecting people to new proteins.

23:26.434 --> 23:35.577
[J Jay Couey]: And we knew all this from all the transfection that we've done on our bench, all the transfection trials that we've done since Jesse Gelsinger and beyond in humans.

23:36.197 --> 23:40.159
[J Jay Couey]: We've known exactly what we needed to do in order to get this stuff out.

23:40.439 --> 23:42.199
[J Jay Couey]: And we needed a crisis to get it out.

23:42.800 --> 23:49.762
[J Jay Couey]: And we needed a crisis that we could tie all these bad things that we knew would happen anytime somebody got a hot batch and actually transfected

23:50.993 --> 23:51.995
[J Jay Couey]: with a placebo.

23:52.195 --> 23:54.138
[J Jay Couey]: So you just put a bunch of placebos out there.

23:54.199 --> 23:56.843
[J Jay Couey]: You can meet any manufacturing quota you want.

23:56.863 --> 24:02.773
[J Jay Couey]: In the meantime, you can use your databases and whatever else to keep track of those lots that are actually hot.

24:03.965 --> 24:09.027
[J Jay Couey]: And so that's the reason why no one will talk about the background signal and why it could be misconstrued as spread.

24:09.307 --> 24:31.177
[J Jay Couey]: Most of the illusion is dismissed already there, especially if you tie into the fact that all of the people that have been in front of us have never been able to adequately and succinctly explain how PCR can be very accurate in a university and ridiculously aspecific on a hot background with a bunch of random companies making them, especially from China.

24:31.957 --> 24:34.919
[J Jay Couey]: Define the countermeasures as transformations and transfections.

24:34.979 --> 24:42.124
[J Jay Couey]: I don't know if you're aware, Sucharit, but before the pandemic, using adenovirus to express a protein was called transformation.

24:42.604 --> 24:57.154
[J Jay Couey]: And using naked DNA or mRNA in a gene gun with gold particles or with lipofectamine or with centrifugation or with electroporation, that was all called transfection.

24:57.754 --> 25:03.318
[J Jay Couey]: And so there were companies that were selling a whole catalog of products under the headline transfection.

25:03.739 --> 25:08.102
[J Jay Couey]: And at the beginning of the pandemic, my government called those investigational vaccines.

25:09.343 --> 25:11.424
[J Jay Couey]: That's an obvious truth that no one is saying.

25:11.464 --> 25:17.949
[J Jay Couey]: So even in the purest form, these chemically altered RNAs would have never been able to produce a high-fidelity protein.

25:18.349 --> 25:22.052
[J Jay Couey]: These RNAs would have never been able to be produced in their pure form.

25:22.112 --> 25:26.556
[J Jay Couey]: And anybody that's worked in a pharmaceutical company where they make biologics like

25:27.216 --> 25:35.920
[J Jay Couey]: .. like a monoclonal antibody, they all know that you can't make a pure, pure, pure RNA, that there will be these fragmented RNAs.

25:35.961 --> 25:41.984
[J Jay Couey]: And all of these biologists ought to know that tiny RNAs, micro RNAs, small interfering RNAs, these are all

25:42.944 --> 25:50.053
[J Jay Couey]: points of regulation that we barely even understand and don't want to mess with an unknown quantity.

25:50.073 --> 25:57.904
[J Jay Couey]: And then finally, this might bother you a little bit for the last five years, but there's been all these people going around saying that there's no virus.

25:58.064 --> 26:00.767
[J Jay Couey]: And I think I finally figured out what their problem is.

26:01.628 --> 26:24.233
[J Jay Couey]: They're trying to help cover this up too, because if they weren't trying to help cover this up, then they would have already taken number five and run with it, which is that if you go back to the virology literature, especially with regard to RNA viruses, you will find that people go into the wild and they find a signal using PCR or sequencing, but then they don't grow that signal in a culture dish.

26:24.453 --> 26:25.933
[J Jay Couey]: They don't grow that signal by

26:26.593 --> 26:28.194
[J Jay Couey]: by swabbing a lot of bats.

26:28.234 --> 26:45.589
[J Jay Couey]: What they do is they order that signal from a synthetic DNA manufacturer, they assemble it, and then they amplify it in a bacterial culture and then using a commercial RNA polymerase, they can turn it into RNA and then put that RNA on their cell culture and call that virology.

26:45.629 --> 26:52.515
[J Jay Couey]: But they're starting with a pure quantity of the RNA that they claim to have found in the wild that they could never produce by any other means.

26:53.115 --> 26:56.196
[J Jay Couey]: And that is the main illusion that occurs in virology.

26:56.216 --> 26:59.578
[J Jay Couey]: And so even those papers that are called gain of function are done this way.

27:00.118 --> 27:02.038
[J Jay Couey]: And so I can explain that again, if it's necessary.

27:02.078 --> 27:11.222
[J Jay Couey]: And finally, I think the shortcut is to say, RNA cannot pandemic because it's not, it doesn't have the same biology that we've attributed to the magic molecule of DNA.

27:11.242 --> 27:11.882
[J Jay Couey]: It just doesn't.

27:11.942 --> 27:15.844
[J Jay Couey]: And so that's another thing that a lot of these biologists should have done known better.

27:15.904 --> 27:16.024
[J Jay Couey]: So

27:17.024 --> 27:20.806
[J Jay Couey]: The summary, again, this narrative that they told us on TV isn't true.

27:20.886 --> 27:23.147
[J Jay Couey]: They didn't censor the truth at the beginning.

27:24.127 --> 27:26.688
[J Jay Couey]: They got us to follow the people that they censored.

27:26.808 --> 27:28.569
[J Jay Couey]: And those people have been fooling us.

27:29.510 --> 27:30.750
[J Jay Couey]: There wasn't a novel virus.

27:30.790 --> 27:36.733
[J Jay Couey]: There was a background signal that can't be differentiated from what they call a virus going endemic.

27:36.813 --> 27:39.314
[J Jay Couey]: And I think it's very damning that you can find

27:39.934 --> 27:47.102
[J Jay Couey]: lectures from a long time ago that predate all the way to 2002 with the original SARS, where they're talking about endemicity as the scary thing.

27:47.142 --> 27:52.267
[J Jay Couey]: That's 10 years of time to characterize a background that they then lied to us about.

27:52.687 --> 27:59.534
[J Jay Couey]: The shortage of ventilators, or Elon Musk going to make ventilators, or Donald Trump going to ship ventilators to New York.

27:59.554 --> 28:00.615
[J Jay Couey]: This is all nonsense.

28:01.136 --> 28:02.257
[J Jay Couey]: In fact, they were running

28:02.677 --> 28:11.143
[J Jay Couey]: an oxygen plant on the ship Comfort in New York City and running this narrative about everybody if you don't have vents you can give them oxygen and that is absolutely murder.

28:11.763 --> 28:16.406
[J Jay Couey]: And I know at least one man, my friend Scott, whose daughter was murdered just like that.

28:17.206 --> 28:19.828
[J Jay Couey]: There's a huge rise in expected all cause mortality.

28:19.868 --> 28:20.669
[J Jay Couey]: That's a big one.

28:21.649 --> 28:22.530
[J Jay Couey]: We didn't rush it out.

28:23.511 --> 28:28.494
[J Jay Couey]: We actually did this on purpose because otherwise transfection would have never been accepted by everyone.

28:29.695 --> 28:35.578
[J Jay Couey]: And this lie about the spike or this lie about, I don't know what they're talking about.

28:35.618 --> 28:47.746
[J Jay Couey]: Those all things might be true, but transfection to any foreign protein, and I know Sucharit will agree with this, because this is who I learned it from, transfection to any foreign protein is going to challenge the immune system to attack itself.

28:47.846 --> 28:49.627
[J Jay Couey]: And it's going to make mistakes.

28:49.687 --> 28:51.088
[J Jay Couey]: It can't do that flawlessly.

28:51.128 --> 28:52.328
[J Jay Couey]: It's a terrible idea.

28:53.249 --> 28:55.811
[J Jay Couey]: And you're also augmenting the immune system

28:56.511 --> 29:06.323
[J Jay Couey]: intramuscularly, I think is a very dubious claim of methodology, because as Sucharit can tell you, the immune system is oriented, it's oriented inside out.

29:06.383 --> 29:11.669
[J Jay Couey]: And so augmenting it not at a barrier, but behind the barrier is just insane, especially for

29:12.269 --> 29:13.650
[J Jay Couey]: a respiratory, whatever.

29:14.331 --> 29:15.492
[J Jay Couey]: And that's why we are here.

29:15.592 --> 29:23.858
[J Jay Couey]: We are here where people like Steve Kirsch is saying that maybe in five years we'll have safe vaccines in America if Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

29:23.878 --> 29:24.539
[J Jay Couey]: makes them safe.

29:24.599 --> 29:31.204
[J Jay Couey]: And we have Elon Musk actually saying that the reason why we don't have smallpox in America is because of the smallpox vaccine still.

29:31.264 --> 29:32.064
[J Jay Couey]: And it's scary.

29:33.065 --> 29:41.252
[J Jay Couey]: They are, I need your help, Sucharit, because you and other people from Europe can look at your own vaccine schedule and compare the calendar.

29:41.952 --> 29:49.018
[J Jay Couey]: And quantity and you can see that my vaccine schedule in America is criminal and it's evidence that these people are criminals.

29:49.639 --> 29:56.865
[J Jay Couey]: And you can help because you don't even have to say anything about Germany, you can just evaluate what I'm showing you and follow up on this.

29:58.167 --> 30:08.936
[J Jay Couey]: I really think I can explain any of these in detail that you want to, and the way that I would summarize it is intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting the immune system is dumb.

30:08.996 --> 30:13.940
[J Jay Couey]: Transfection in healthy humans was always criminal, and RNA cannot pandemic.

30:15.081 --> 30:21.126
[J Jay Couey]: Please try and see if any of that, we can discuss any of that.

30:22.888 --> 30:23.188
[J Jay Couey]: Thank you.

30:25.091 --> 30:31.036
[Stephen Frost]: And most importantly, from my point of view as a medical doctor, was there a pandemic or wasn't there?

30:31.716 --> 30:39.302
[Stephen Frost]: And in fact, is it possible that pandemics are not possible in the future and haven't been in the past?

30:39.782 --> 30:55.888
[Stephen Frost]: So the whole thing about pandemics was a construct for these criminals, in my opinion, and they've been working up to it, trying to undermine the influence of immunologists who know about the wonderful immune system of all animals, including human beings.

30:57.308 --> 31:17.294
[Stephen Frost]: And handing it over to the virologists, whose duty, in my opinion, to all these criminals was to push virology, to hide the immunology, so that human beings, mere human beings, could actually be hubristic and say they know better than God, whoever God is.

31:18.840 --> 31:26.482
[Stephen Frost]: So I think this is anti-human and it's really important that we get to the bottom of this about whether pandemics are possible.

31:26.782 --> 31:29.883
[Stephen Frost]: We were taught at medical school, a deadly virus kills its host.

31:30.563 --> 31:38.025
[Stephen Frost]: I asked the immunologist, the immunology professor at the time, I was a medical student, I didn't even know why I was asking the question.

31:38.686 --> 31:41.526
[Stephen Frost]: I said, does that mean that pandemics are not possible?

31:41.986 --> 31:47.468
[Stephen Frost]: And the immunologist professor said, very good, Stephen, but I had no idea why he said very good.

31:49.679 --> 31:50.740
[Stephen Frost]: I don't know what he knew.

31:50.960 --> 31:54.063
[Stephen Frost]: Looking back, I didn't know what he knew at the time.

31:55.064 --> 31:57.666
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Can I chime in?

31:58.107 --> 31:58.347
[Stephen Frost]: Sure.

31:58.367 --> 31:59.968
[Stephen Frost]: It's your go, Sucharit.

32:00.849 --> 32:02.170
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Well, I'm going to be very short.

32:03.592 --> 32:07.935
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Jay, I have nothing to add to anything you said.

32:07.955 --> 32:12.499
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I completely agree, so there's not going to be any discussion on this.

32:14.252 --> 32:40.895
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The only point I want to make to you, Jay, is that I have specifically and intentionally always avoided any discussion on the topic of virus or no virus, because I felt that it was better to avoid this discussion in order to not lose time and effort

32:41.798 --> 32:43.900
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: on a topic that was not really relevant.

32:44.000 --> 32:59.132
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's not relevant because what is really relevant now is that we have to stop this rollout of the RNA and vector vaccines.

32:59.552 --> 33:01.594
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: This is what we have to try to do.

33:02.674 --> 33:10.561
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And as everyone who is listening today knows, the WHO declared, what was this over a year ago,

33:11.496 --> 33:22.722
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: that it was their intent to install RNA vaccinations in veterinary medicine and human medicine.

33:23.963 --> 33:30.226
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And as you yourself said, Jay, it's a cassette that has been put into a recorder, okay?

33:30.647 --> 33:33.268
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And there's no control anymore.

33:33.788 --> 33:35.910
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So my sole,

33:37.170 --> 33:46.400
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: My sole purpose in the next weeks and months is my sole intent is to try to stop this and to get you guys to stop it.

33:46.860 --> 33:51.745
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, the second thing was the question about pandemic.

33:52.626 --> 33:59.750
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And, Stephen, your immunology professor said, very good, because the question was very good.

34:00.551 --> 34:11.296
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And of course, as I've been trying to say for four years now, there is no pandemic, there was no pandemic, and there will be no pandemic.

34:11.977 --> 34:12.097
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And

34:15.120 --> 34:18.443
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's like Jay said, the RNA can't pandemic.

34:18.643 --> 34:19.124
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It can't.

34:19.745 --> 34:23.508
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And there's no reason to discuss this anymore because it's clear.

34:23.528 --> 34:28.613
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And if it's clear, we shouldn't waste time talking about it.

34:30.054 --> 34:35.319
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So anyone who comes up and says there was a pandemic, he should prove that there was one.

34:35.660 --> 34:38.642
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's not we who have to show that there was no pandemic.

34:39.323 --> 34:39.843
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But in fact,

34:40.936 --> 34:43.918
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: no numbers will support that statement.

34:44.798 --> 34:47.399
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No one has any numbers that can support that statement.

34:48.340 --> 35:00.466
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So that is actually all I wanted to say as a comment to what Jay said, because I have no comments except that I agree entirely with everything that he has said.

35:02.910 --> 35:13.915
[Stephen Frost]: So Sucharit can I ask you, how do you think we should, do you think that what JJ is saying, and I've been saying this for a long time, that we need to create our own narrative.

35:14.416 --> 35:15.536
[Stephen Frost]: It's really important.

35:15.756 --> 35:19.158
[Stephen Frost]: We don't need to discuss with the people who don't agree with us.

35:19.618 --> 35:25.661
[Stephen Frost]: We need to tell the public what we know, and we haven't done that properly so far.

35:25.701 --> 35:28.343
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: All right, Stephen, sorry, I'm sorry.

35:29.825 --> 35:32.268
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I there, I disagree.

35:33.249 --> 35:35.833
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I don't think we can succeed.

35:36.394 --> 35:37.255
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's impossible.

35:37.756 --> 35:42.963
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's impossible to transmit this knowledge to laypeople.

35:43.908 --> 35:45.108
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's just too difficult.

35:45.288 --> 35:46.369
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's too difficult.

35:46.889 --> 35:53.651
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I've spent a lot of time and effort trying to transmit the simplest things.

35:54.151 --> 36:02.154
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I mean, Jay went into some depth, and that makes it impossible to reach the vast majority of people.

36:02.814 --> 36:12.778
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So what I think, and this is what I want to propose to all of you today, and I'm so glad that people like Ron Johnson is there, Vera Sharav is here.

36:13.678 --> 36:16.119
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Hello, everyone.

36:17.660 --> 36:28.786
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But you are the people who can now take over and you have the power to do so.

36:29.386 --> 36:32.267
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You have this laser sword, okay?

36:32.608 --> 36:33.608
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Star Wars.

36:34.869 --> 36:43.233
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Because, and this is what I want to bring home today, the Robert Koch files have given you this instrument.

36:44.537 --> 36:52.501
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They have given you a present that is more precious than anything that has happened in the last five years.

36:53.341 --> 37:01.806
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So I wanted to ask you, I think there are 78 participants, who knows about the Robert Koch files?

37:02.886 --> 37:04.387
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Stephen, what do you know?

37:05.905 --> 37:08.287
[Stephen Frost]: I haven't had time to look into that secret.

37:09.788 --> 37:12.350
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Well, then I tell you, all of you.

37:12.370 --> 37:15.553
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I advise all of you.

37:16.834 --> 37:22.398
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: May I ask the 78 of you who are here, who knows about the Robert Koch files?

37:23.099 --> 37:24.560
[Stephen Frost]: I think Nick Hudson probably does.

37:24.840 --> 37:26.501
[Stephen Frost]: Yeah, and they always got it under.

37:27.482 --> 37:28.102
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Nick, are you here?

37:28.123 --> 37:29.143
[Stephen Frost]: Yeah, he's there.

37:30.104 --> 37:30.925
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Nick, what are you saying?

37:31.894 --> 37:33.377
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's been a long time since we spoke.

37:33.397 --> 37:34.259
[Nick Hudson]: What does that tell you?

37:43.223 --> 37:56.788
[Nick Hudson]: Well, we were looking at them very closely and there are a number of inconsistencies, but I mean, let's put the inconsistencies in our concern regarding the changing nature of the disclosures over time.

37:57.149 --> 38:01.270
[Nick Hudson]: And the disclosures come, just to explain to the audience, the disclosures come in two formats.

38:01.310 --> 38:04.732
[Nick Hudson]: There's a leak and there's the equivalent of an American FOIA.

38:05.792 --> 38:12.136
[Nick Hudson]: And their incompatibilities, their signs of editing of documents, including emails.

38:12.797 --> 38:22.483
[Nick Hudson]: So the provenance of these files and the manner of the leaks and FOIAs does register some concern with us, I mean, looking into it.

38:22.523 --> 38:24.884
[Nick Hudson]: So that's why we've been a little bit cagey.

38:25.025 --> 38:33.750
[Nick Hudson]: And I would encourage everybody to follow Robert Kogan, who's one of the most heavily suppressed people on social media in general,

38:35.231 --> 38:36.051
[Nick Hudson]: and his articles.

38:36.191 --> 38:52.438
[Nick Hudson]: But just to answer Sukharit's question, there's a claim made by RKI that the entire story was politically motivated and that they were engineering results to suit political ends.

38:53.438 --> 38:56.659
[Nick Hudson]: And so I agree with Sukharit, just that alone

38:58.420 --> 39:01.742
[Nick Hudson]: is worth the price of admission.

39:02.403 --> 39:20.316
[Nick Hudson]: But there's a concern there, because it's also patently clear that the Robert Koch Institute had been engineering itself for years, possibly even decades, towards the end goal of proselytizing a fake pandemic.

39:21.295 --> 39:29.338
[Nick Hudson]: Sucharit, I'd be curious to hear whether you think I've picked out the important parts or there are other features that deserve mention.

39:29.859 --> 39:30.739
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yes, certainly.

39:31.779 --> 39:45.165
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: What you last said was, of course, a key point, meaning that these Robert Koch protocols, they are protocols of their meetings that took place daily

39:46.594 --> 39:48.695
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: starting in 2020.

39:49.175 --> 39:54.516
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Every day they came together and these protocols are the protocols of the meetings.

39:55.356 --> 40:15.861
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And it is absolutely clear, it was March 16th, 2020, where it is written in the protocols that they knew that this virus was not particularly dangerous and therefore the danger signal was set on medium,

40:17.523 --> 40:21.471
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: too low, but that they were waiting for a phone call

40:23.629 --> 40:24.690
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: from a politician.

40:25.550 --> 40:33.636
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And when this phone call was received one day later, they would up the danger signal.

40:34.296 --> 40:42.321
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So this is political control of a medical institution.

40:43.062 --> 40:49.686
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And that is what set off the green light for the lockdowns and for the vaccination.

40:49.927 --> 40:50.227
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Okay.

40:50.607 --> 40:53.609
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, Nick, listen very carefully, all of you.

40:55.310 --> 40:57.392
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: That is what is going around in Germany.

40:58.813 --> 41:09.101
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And it's going wild because, very correctly, that is enough to build a case against the Robert Koch Institute and the Ministry of Public Health.

41:10.362 --> 41:17.027
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: However, there is one other protocol that is much, much, much more important.

41:19.048 --> 41:23.990
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: There are over 4,000 pages of this protocol that all of you can read.

41:24.391 --> 41:27.312
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And in fact, I think they are now available in English, right, Nick?

41:28.352 --> 41:29.393
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Did you see them in English?

41:30.253 --> 41:32.034
[Nick Hudson]: Yes, yes, we do see them in English.

41:32.534 --> 41:33.935
[Nick Hudson]: I've got a point for you later as well.

41:33.955 --> 41:35.096
[Nick Hudson]: Allow me a chance to come back.

41:35.116 --> 41:43.199
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Okay, Nick, then I advise you and all of you who are listening now to go to the protocol of the 27th of April 2020.

41:47.501 --> 41:48.741
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: 27th of April, 2020.

41:50.062 --> 41:51.442
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Just that one protocol.

41:51.962 --> 41:56.864
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, in the German version, it is on page 725, OK?

41:56.884 --> 42:07.507
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And right in the middle, there's a protocol of the subject that they were handling.

42:07.927 --> 42:09.268
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And what was that subject?

42:09.608 --> 42:10.948
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The subject was the

42:23.191 --> 42:28.513
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: the vaccination program that was going to be started.

42:29.633 --> 42:29.993
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: All right?

42:30.434 --> 42:33.274
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The implementation of a vaccination program.

42:33.575 --> 42:34.855
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, this was in April 2020.

42:35.195 --> 42:35.655
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Wow.

42:35.795 --> 42:39.877
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: There was no vaccine, okay?

42:40.457 --> 42:44.478
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And no one knew that there were any clinical trials that were being held.

42:45.038 --> 42:47.419
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, listen very carefully, Stephen.

42:48.689 --> 43:02.018
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You open that protocol, look at that page, and you will see two things that will change history, if you can use them, and all of you can use them.

43:02.538 --> 43:06.580
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Ron Johnson can immediately use this in America because, of course,

43:07.546 --> 43:17.592
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: This pertained to the implementation of the vaccination program in Germany and the world with the German product from BioNTech, Pfizer.

43:18.073 --> 43:19.453
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Okay, that was the first one.

43:20.014 --> 43:21.515
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So what do you read?

43:22.595 --> 43:31.741
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You read, lo and behold, several vaccines will become available.

43:33.022 --> 43:36.344
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They have been developed and tested in a

43:38.831 --> 43:45.933
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: at lightning speed, very in an accelerated fashion.

43:46.713 --> 43:54.476
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They have been tested, developed and tested in an accelerated fashion.

43:55.536 --> 43:56.897
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So they were already there.

43:57.197 --> 43:57.517
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Okay.

43:57.917 --> 43:59.898
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, if you want to know how

44:01.755 --> 44:12.798
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: that had been developed and tested, you go and read the autobiography of Ugo Sein and his wife, Joe Miller, Project Lightning Speed.

44:13.158 --> 44:14.859
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's all written down there.

44:15.599 --> 44:19.460
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And it is documented that they used fake methods.

44:20.660 --> 44:30.603
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They said themselves that they had a problem to test the efficacy of the antibodies because they had neither animal

44:31.561 --> 44:38.425
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: housing, nor did they have the virus to test whether the antibodies were efficacious.

44:39.486 --> 44:45.909
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So what they did was they had a cell culture system, which is a complete nonsense, Jay, complete nonsense.

44:46.370 --> 44:56.896
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And the results that they also presented in their own book would tell anyone, any politician, that there was

44:59.178 --> 45:01.719
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: they had no results, they had negative results.

45:02.220 --> 45:13.905
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So what they did was they took cell cultures, J in one little culture well, there were 500, no 50,000 cells, okay?

45:17.421 --> 45:31.727
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Then they poured a pseudovirus, not the real virus, which they did not have, a reporter pseudovirus with a reporter gene, luciferase, on the cells.

45:33.487 --> 45:34.968
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It is all written down.

45:35.788 --> 45:43.071
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And then they took another well and looked to see how many cells they could

45:44.798 --> 45:47.979
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: infect or transfect with this pseudovirus.

45:48.199 --> 45:49.680
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It wasn't a real virus at all.

45:51.320 --> 45:58.543
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And then they found out that they had a 90% reduction of infection.

46:00.543 --> 46:08.746
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: However, if you look at the numbers, which you can read in their autobiography, what did they find?

46:09.506 --> 46:13.708
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They found out that in the control without the antibodies,

46:15.145 --> 46:18.007
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They infected 1% of the cells.

46:20.629 --> 46:27.835
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They lit up green, and the green fluorescence was so weak that they had problems measuring.

46:28.836 --> 46:31.818
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It was less than, it was background, okay?

46:32.278 --> 46:33.759
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Absolute background.

46:34.540 --> 46:40.325
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And if they incubated the pseudovirus with their DNA,

46:41.500 --> 46:42.620
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: anti-serum,

46:42.800 --> 46:46.261
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: they weren't even isolated antibodies.

46:46.281 --> 46:49.622
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It was the raw serum from the mice that they had vaccinated.

46:49.642 --> 46:52.383
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The numbers dropped down to 0.1%.

46:52.423 --> 46:53.924
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So of the 50,000 cells, they would get 500

47:00.820 --> 47:08.066
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: 500 in the control, 550,000 were pseudo-infected with the pseudo-virus, and if they were pre-incubated with the anti-serum,

47:16.681 --> 47:17.021
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They got 50.

47:18.482 --> 47:32.253
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And it was so difficult to measure the difference that they had to install very expensive, the most expensive instruments to measure this weak, tiny fluorescence difference.

47:33.173 --> 47:45.823
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And with those data, they went to the Paul Ehrlich Institute and showed them the 90% efficacy, established with a non

47:47.494 --> 47:50.339
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It was a method that can't be used.

47:50.440 --> 47:56.652
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's never been used, okay, in vaccine science or technology.

47:57.093 --> 47:57.795
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's stupid.

47:59.398 --> 48:14.162
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And the Paul Ehrlich Institute, under so-called Professor Ketrotec, who is a chemist and has been bought by all these guys, you know, in the background, all in America, he said, okay, guys, go ahead.

48:14.762 --> 48:16.582
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And that was the testing that they had done.

48:17.142 --> 48:23.384
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And the Robert Koch Institute knew this on the 20th of February, and knew that these vaccines were coming.

48:24.004 --> 48:26.945
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, to top this, guys,

48:28.257 --> 48:48.637
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The sentence under that sentence says, reads, okay, relevant data will first be assessed or collected post-marketing in humans.

48:50.168 --> 49:06.173
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Meaning that they had no relevant data on efficacy and safety, and meaning that the world population was going to be used as experimental animals.

49:06.953 --> 49:07.393
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Exactly.

49:08.133 --> 49:08.374
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yeah.

49:08.694 --> 49:12.575
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But it's now it's, it's black on white.

49:13.215 --> 49:14.075
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And it's there for you.

49:14.856 --> 49:15.596
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And any

49:17.668 --> 49:19.209
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: lawyers can use this.

49:19.709 --> 49:22.450
[Stephen Frost]: Yes, so Sucharit, it's very important what you're saying.

49:22.630 --> 49:37.034
[Stephen Frost]: So can I just clarify, are you saying that the Robert Koch Institute, no less, with its history, you know, previously, was creating or finishing off a business plan in April 2020?

49:39.261 --> 49:39.481
[Sucharit Bahkdi]: Yes.

49:40.402 --> 49:57.230
[Stephen Frost]: Yeah, it's fraud, and it's a racket, and a racket can be attacked in America, which is why I encourage... Five US states have filed criminal complaints against Pfizer.

49:58.050 --> 49:59.831
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They can use this document.

50:02.680 --> 50:15.685
[Stephen Frost]: But Sucharit, I just want to say to Senator Johnson, because I think it's very important he hears this from somebody, that in my opinion, Sucharit Bhakti and JJ are the people to listen to, Senator Johnson, and

50:16.503 --> 50:32.775
[Stephen Frost]: Sucharit Bhakti in particular because he came up with the brilliant line, or he noticed, so he's a doctor and a scientist, a medical doctor and a scientist, and he came up at the end of the wonderful book which gave me hope in

50:33.796 --> 50:36.278
[Stephen Frost]: November 2020, I think it was, Corona False Alarm.

50:37.119 --> 50:43.964
[Stephen Frost]: You said, Sucharit, this is the end of the age of the Enlightenment, the end of the age of Enlightenment.

50:44.384 --> 50:47.146
[Stephen Frost]: And I thought, that sums it up for me.

50:47.627 --> 50:53.111
[Stephen Frost]: And people were talking about this and that, but the big picture was that this was tyranny.

50:53.811 --> 50:57.334
[Stephen Frost]: And you pointed that out at the end of your book.

50:57.414 --> 50:59.916
[Stephen Frost]: I think it was at the end of your book, Corona False Alarm.

51:00.436 --> 51:00.576
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yes.

51:00.656 --> 51:04.218
[Stephen Frost]: And so you could see the big picture very clearly then.

51:04.238 --> 51:04.298
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yes.

51:05.359 --> 51:06.539
[Charles Kovess]: So great.

51:06.619 --> 51:07.800
[Charles Kovess]: Ron's got his hand up.

51:08.000 --> 51:10.001
[Charles Kovess]: While we got Ron, he's on a tight time frame.

51:10.101 --> 51:12.942
[Charles Kovess]: Ron, can you go, Ron?

51:13.323 --> 51:17.565
[Ron Johnson]: Well, first of all, I appreciate being invited to this.

51:18.476 --> 51:22.379
[Ron Johnson]: Frequently am, but rarely have a chance to listen to these things.

51:24.441 --> 51:28.244
[Ron Johnson]: My role throughout this process has been trying to seek the truth.

51:28.945 --> 51:30.906
[Ron Johnson]: It's just that simple.

51:31.067 --> 51:42.716
[Ron Johnson]: Provide the platform and be the lay person that can try and translate what you doctors are saying into something that the public can understand.

51:43.697 --> 51:45.639
[Ron Johnson]: And Dr. Bhakti, I mean, I agree with you that

51:46.942 --> 51:48.864
[Ron Johnson]: I've been in contact with JJ in the past.

51:48.924 --> 51:50.145
[Ron Johnson]: I think he's brilliant.

51:50.885 --> 51:53.407
[Ron Johnson]: I've been in contact with Mike Yeadon.

51:53.467 --> 51:54.808
[Ron Johnson]: It's the reason I didn't get a vaccine.

51:54.908 --> 51:56.209
[Ron Johnson]: I talked to Mike Yeadon.

51:59.060 --> 52:00.242
[Ron Johnson]: You just said, I can use this.

52:00.682 --> 52:01.744
[Ron Johnson]: I don't know how to use this.

52:03.526 --> 52:04.146
[Ron Johnson]: Let me just finish.

52:05.488 --> 52:13.297
[Ron Johnson]: What I've been praying for, what I've been hoping for, before my last Senate event, I think December of 2023, 2022, I assembled all these doctors.

52:18.423 --> 52:21.246
[Ron Johnson]: And some that, you know, JJ is not real fond of anymore.

52:21.286 --> 52:21.826
[Ron Johnson]: That's fine.

52:22.507 --> 52:27.952
[Ron Johnson]: And I was hoping in a day's session before we put our event, I could be brought up to speed.

52:27.972 --> 52:29.834
[Ron Johnson]: Okay, where are we with all the science?

52:30.134 --> 52:38.902
[Ron Johnson]: Where are we in terms of information from the Koch Institute or from, you know, different health agencies around the world?

52:40.606 --> 52:48.448
[Ron Johnson]: What is frustrating to me as I keep telling these docs these events, you're light years ahead of where the public is.

52:49.228 --> 52:56.989
[Ron Johnson]: And we need to develop a foundational base of information to bring the public along to where we are, okay?

52:57.290 --> 53:02.431
[Ron Johnson]: And a lot of people are, I know Mike, he has his conclusions.

53:03.131 --> 53:04.091
[Ron Johnson]: I've got an open mind.

53:05.031 --> 53:07.492
[Ron Johnson]: I don't, I think JJ said this, I don't know what happened.

53:07.612 --> 53:08.892
[Ron Johnson]: I don't know who they are.

53:10.453 --> 53:12.136
[Ron Johnson]: I mean, that's the mystery we're all trying to solve.

53:12.176 --> 53:15.723
[Ron Johnson]: But listen, I am a sponge for information.

53:16.644 --> 53:21.633
[Ron Johnson]: I'm looking for the best studies, the best piece of information.

53:21.713 --> 53:23.196
[Ron Johnson]: I know it's coming in from all over the world.

53:23.962 --> 53:27.825
[Ron Johnson]: You know, I'm happy to send that.

53:27.905 --> 53:30.588
[Ron Johnson]: Hopefully, I'll end on this note.

53:30.668 --> 53:36.653
[Ron Johnson]: Hopefully, if we get the majority in this next election, I'll be chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee Investigation.

53:37.073 --> 53:40.136
[Ron Johnson]: There's nobody else in the United States Senate or Congress that are looking at this.

53:40.797 --> 53:47.382
[Ron Johnson]: I mean, what the House did, those hearings, the only thing they're missing was a banner said, you know, brought to you by Pfizer.

53:48.183 --> 53:51.145
[Ron Johnson]: So I want to use that committee, but I need

53:52.130 --> 53:55.167
[Ron Johnson]: the information I keep asking, I want new faces.

53:55.816 --> 54:02.702
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yes, Senator, listen, I've been following you and I would say chapeau to you.

54:02.902 --> 54:06.685
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I respect you tremendously and I feel what you are doing is great.

54:06.965 --> 54:07.706
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's historic.

54:08.126 --> 54:15.112
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now let me tell you what I am trying to trigger in Germany and in Austria and in Switzerland.

54:15.912 --> 54:22.418
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I am trying to trigger politicians to establish parliamentary committees of inquiry.

54:23.338 --> 54:30.664
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And the only question they have to investigate is the lawfulness of the vaccine authorization.

54:31.925 --> 54:44.896
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Because that simple question can be answered in very few hours before it can be proven

54:45.939 --> 54:49.761
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: that the lawfulness did not exist.

54:50.361 --> 54:55.383
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Therefore, these vaccines are unlawful, and therefore, they must be stopped.

54:55.964 --> 55:03.727
[Ron Johnson]: So Dr. Bhakdi, let me tell you, the problem we run into is people literally don't want to know.

55:03.747 --> 55:08.749
[Ron Johnson]: I held another event on American health nutrition, a second opinion.

55:10.570 --> 55:16.772
[Ron Johnson]: And I think, as Dr. Chris Palmer said, they don't want to know the root cause to chronic illness.

55:16.792 --> 55:19.072
[Ron Johnson]: So that is the resistance we're getting.

55:19.152 --> 55:21.233
[Ron Johnson]: They don't want to know.

55:21.253 --> 55:24.153
[Ron Johnson]: And the result of that, let me finish.

55:24.433 --> 55:34.196
[Ron Johnson]: The result of that public hearing, I just got a letter today signed by something like 270 different agricultural interests, different state ag departments,

55:36.456 --> 55:42.297
[Ron Johnson]: to the agriculture committee chairman and ranking member saying how much we need these pesticides and stuff.

55:42.317 --> 55:45.118
[Ron Johnson]: So what we are up against is massive.

55:45.698 --> 55:47.779
[Ron Johnson]: And there's just a few voices out here.

55:47.799 --> 55:50.579
[Ron Johnson]: I mean, look at how many people are on this call.

55:50.599 --> 56:02.162
[Ron Johnson]: We are a small minority and we've got to figure out what are the truths that are understandable by the public that will break through to create the public pressure to get these things changed and get it acknowledged.

56:03.202 --> 56:15.606
[Stephen Frost]: Senator Johnson, the reason they don't want to hear you or listen to you is because they're living in different cults and you and I and Sucharit and JJ are not good cult members.

56:15.966 --> 56:21.248
[Stephen Frost]: We're unusual because human beings have a predilection for cults, for joining cults.

56:21.328 --> 56:21.528
[Stephen Frost]: Why?

56:22.068 --> 56:25.909
[Stephen Frost]: Well, because they can then be led around and they don't have to think.

56:25.949 --> 56:31.751
[Stephen Frost]: They don't want to take responsibility, most human beings. And people like you and Sucharit and JJ...

56:31.811 --> 56:33.912
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Sorry, I must interrupt.

56:34.072 --> 56:36.132
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I really have the need to interrupt.

56:36.212 --> 56:36.872
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Sorry, Stephen.

56:37.473 --> 56:41.394
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I am not talking about a normal investigative committee.

56:41.874 --> 56:48.776
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I'm talking about a committee that is established in parliament now in Germany.

56:49.236 --> 56:51.037
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: we have 15 states, right?

56:51.657 --> 57:05.803
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Saxony, you know, Thuringia, and in these states where the AFD has the majority, they can establish a committee of inquiry.

57:06.143 --> 57:07.384
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They don't have to ask anyone.

57:07.684 --> 57:09.385
[Ron Johnson]: I know, but they won't.

57:09.405 --> 57:10.225
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Okay, that's great.

57:10.245 --> 57:12.026
[Ron Johnson]: They won't do it to Congress, unless it's me.

57:18.047 --> 57:18.467
[Ron Johnson]: In the U.S.

57:18.487 --> 57:20.148
[Ron Johnson]: Congress, it will not happen unless it's me.

57:21.088 --> 57:22.329
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Can you do this in America?

57:22.389 --> 57:29.512
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Do the individual states like Texas or Kansas or Florida, they have their parliament, don't they?

57:30.412 --> 57:34.714
[Ron Johnson]: They have individual legislatures and there are different attorneys generals that are going down this path.

57:35.154 --> 57:36.735
[Ron Johnson]: But again, they are up against the same resistance.

57:36.755 --> 57:38.395
[Ron Johnson]: Again, I'm not saying this is impossible.

57:38.415 --> 57:40.636
[Ron Johnson]: I'm just laying out here are the problems.

57:41.137 --> 57:46.679
[Ron Johnson]: And again, what we need is we need in an understandable fashion to normal people.

57:47.903 --> 57:48.844
[Ron Johnson]: This was what happened.

57:48.864 --> 57:53.147
[Ron Johnson]: And again, I think you disagree with JJ that we need our own narrative.

57:53.167 --> 57:53.787
[Ron Johnson]: I think we do.

57:54.028 --> 57:55.969
[Ron Johnson]: We have to be able to tell the story of what happened.

57:56.009 --> 57:57.310
[Ron Johnson]: And it has to be reputable.

57:58.091 --> 58:00.132
[Stephen Frost]: And Nick Hudson is exceptionally good at that.

58:00.232 --> 58:01.313
[Stephen Frost]: Nick Hudson is good at that.

58:02.539 --> 58:19.750
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It could be that America and Europe have to go different ways, but the way that I think the Germans can and must take is this installation of parliamentary committees of inquiries.

58:20.430 --> 58:27.819
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And I can tell you, Senator Johnson, that this is going to happen in Saxony, in Thuringia.

58:28.200 --> 58:29.581
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I talked to them yesterday.

58:30.102 --> 58:30.823
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They're doing it.

58:31.303 --> 58:33.366
[Ron Johnson]: Didn't Germany just drop some study, though?

58:34.079 --> 58:37.083
[Ron Johnson]: that I read about, they were going to do something, and they just dropped some inquiry?

58:37.523 --> 58:38.004
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No, no, no, no.

58:38.044 --> 58:39.085
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: This is all in the making.

58:39.606 --> 58:43.871
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Because the AFD, the party, the AFD has just come up.

58:44.391 --> 58:52.841
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And now they have enough members of parliament to cast this vote that this committee has to be installed.

58:52.961 --> 58:54.043
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And that's what they're going to do.

58:54.443 --> 59:10.718
[Ron Johnson]: Yeah, by the way, I would also say because these are by and large American companies, Pfizer, I know BioNTech is German, but because this sprang from America, there's probably gonna be far greater resistance in America than there will be in other countries where they'd be happy to pile on and criticize and investigate American companies.

59:11.058 --> 59:15.402
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So I think- But we're not investigating any company.

59:16.983 --> 59:19.405
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The question that is going to be raised

59:20.466 --> 59:28.432
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: that has to be answered by this committee is the question of the lawfulness of the vaccine authorization.

59:29.844 --> 59:31.645
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Not, you see, nothing else.

59:32.025 --> 59:33.105
[Ron Johnson]: But they are the law.

59:33.585 --> 59:35.686
[J Jay Couey]: Can I just briefly interject?

59:36.246 --> 59:37.446
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No, no, no, no.

59:37.546 --> 59:38.266
[Ron Johnson]: Yeah, JJ.

59:38.306 --> 59:45.328
[J Jay Couey]: So it's really important to realize that in America, we're on our own trap because we have our own laws and our own constitution.

59:45.348 --> 59:49.650
[J Jay Couey]: In America, what enabled this to happen was a number of laws.

59:49.710 --> 59:52.150
[J Jay Couey]: I'm not an expert on it, but the PREP Act is one.

59:52.410 --> 59:57.972
[J Jay Couey]: And what happens in the PREP Act is very simple to explain, but only in the context of American law.

59:58.812 --> 01:00:15.663
[J Jay Couey]: if the...if a fundamental right in America is to be suspended the government is not assumed to be right the government is assumed to be wrong in other words it's not presumed innocent until proven guilty if the government's going to take away a fundamental right and that has been established as a very very firm

01:00:16.303 --> 01:00:31.516
[J Jay Couey]: thing within American law and so the PREP Act allows them to suspend a number of rights including probably the Seventh Amendment and probably something other other another amendment and that suspension of rights is only subject to a non-elected official's whim

01:00:32.276 --> 01:00:36.999
[J Jay Couey]: called the rational basis review, which is basically if he has a hypothetical reason, he can do it.

01:00:37.479 --> 01:00:43.743
[J Jay Couey]: And that's not sufficient in the context of American law to justify the suspension of a fundamental right.

01:00:44.164 --> 01:00:50.808
[J Jay Couey]: And what's pretty shocking is that all the lawyers that have been on our side for like 10 years on the vaccine schedule, haven't managed to

01:00:51.428 --> 01:01:10.000
[J Jay Couey]: get this argument together and I have and I'm not a lawyer so that's the trick because those words don't mean jack and all in Canada they don't mean jack in Australia and so our traps are all different we have to know the the beast we're fighting but each one of us is in a separate cage

01:01:13.144 --> 01:01:15.468
[Sucharit Bhakdi]:  Okay okay Jay I mean, I have no insight in the American situation.

01:01:15.488 --> 01:01:22.779
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I'm just telling you what we're trying to trigger in Germany and in Austria.

01:01:23.259 --> 01:01:25.002
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The same thing is happening in Austria.

01:01:25.843 --> 01:01:26.424
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: There's going to be

01:01:27.415 --> 01:01:29.618
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: a parliamentary committee of inquiry.

01:01:29.778 --> 01:01:36.047
[J Jay Couey]: I think that's why it's really important, because one country might find that they have a law that makes it very easy for them to punish.

01:01:36.287 --> 01:01:40.673
[J Jay Couey]: And if they can, then that might set the momentum in motion.

01:01:40.873 --> 01:01:41.454
[Ron Johnson]: That's my point.

01:01:43.928 --> 01:01:47.391
[Ron Johnson]: different countries may have different levels of success to expose this.

01:01:48.632 --> 01:01:50.093
[Ron Johnson]: I'm not arguing with anybody here.

01:01:51.554 --> 01:01:56.858
[Ron Johnson]: I've been trying to get more and more people to cooperate from different points of view, different conclusions.

01:01:59.180 --> 01:02:01.862
[Ron Johnson]: In the end, truth is truth, and that's what we need to uncover here.

01:02:01.902 --> 01:02:08.027
[Ron Johnson]: So I'm just looking for more people to help uncover and expose the truth, recognizing how difficult that is.

01:02:09.830 --> 01:02:23.335
[Stephen Frost]: Yeah, Sucharit, I think it's very important to point out that a lot of people in doctors and experts in inverted commas and scientists, even on our side, are very good at finding information.

01:02:23.975 --> 01:02:29.137
[Stephen Frost]: But they're very bad, in my experience running this group, at joining the dots.

01:02:29.757 --> 01:02:34.799
[Stephen Frost]: The information that they have and other people have, they don't want to know about other people's information.

01:02:34.839 --> 01:02:36.540
[Stephen Frost]: They just want to talk about their information.

01:02:37.396 --> 01:02:39.117
[Stephen Frost]: We need the dot joiners.

01:02:39.257 --> 01:02:45.561
[Stephen Frost]: It's very important that we've got the dot joiners, and that's why we haven't made any progress with the true narrative.

01:02:45.861 --> 01:02:51.285
[Stephen Frost]: The narrative that human beings can get closest to the truth.

01:02:51.365 --> 01:02:53.206
[Stephen Frost]: I'm not saying we can get to the whole truth.

01:02:53.846 --> 01:02:56.907
[Stephen Frost]: But obviously we can't solve a problem if we don't know what the truth is.

01:02:56.987 --> 01:03:15.976
[Stephen Frost]: If we can't articulate to other human beings what the truth is, what we think the truth is, with good intentions and we're doing our best to find out the truth and change our opinions all the time, hypothesize when necessary as a good medical doctor should, then we're not going to win this.

01:03:16.136 --> 01:03:18.217
[Stephen Frost]: We need to get a narrative out

01:03:18.857 --> 01:03:19.697
[Stephen Frost]: as some time.

01:03:19.717 --> 01:03:22.638
[Stephen Frost]: I've been saying it for a long time, but nobody else can see it.

01:03:23.178 --> 01:03:24.039
[Stephen Frost]: JJ can see it now.

01:03:24.679 --> 01:03:30.761
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yeah, Stephen, listen, I am not here to argue with you about what you should do or what I should do.

01:03:30.781 --> 01:03:32.682
[Stephen Frost]: I'm not arguing, Sucharit.

01:03:33.162 --> 01:03:38.984
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I'm just telling you that the Robert Koch files

01:03:39.966 --> 01:03:42.249
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: have exposed themselves.

01:03:42.790 --> 01:03:44.493
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And you don't have to look for the truth.

01:03:44.553 --> 01:03:46.435
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The truth is staring at you in the eyes.

01:03:46.716 --> 01:03:47.697
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, let me tell you.

01:03:47.717 --> 01:03:49.279
[Ron Johnson]: Can you send me those pages?

01:03:54.043 --> 01:03:55.383
[Ron Johnson]: Send me this information.

01:03:56.224 --> 01:03:56.944
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: In German, yes.

01:03:57.344 --> 01:04:09.366
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I can tell you, Senator, when this came out in June, this June, it was so important that I sat down and extended my autobiography.

01:04:09.546 --> 01:04:10.526
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I've written a book.

01:04:10.727 --> 01:04:13.487
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's out in German since last year.

01:04:14.267 --> 01:04:17.648
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And the new edition is going to appear in two weeks.

01:04:18.636 --> 01:04:22.721
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And it is also going to appear in 40 languages, including English.

01:04:24.402 --> 01:04:31.890
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And in those last 15 pages, I laid out why the time has now come for the world to act.

01:04:32.391 --> 01:04:37.436
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Because you have the instrument in your hands with which you can stop

01:04:38.243 --> 01:04:45.325
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: this whole mass criminality, the whole vaccine program can be brought to a fall.

01:04:45.845 --> 01:04:47.026
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You just have to want to do it.

01:04:47.646 --> 01:04:48.326
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And exactly.

01:04:48.386 --> 01:04:48.766
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So great.

01:04:49.126 --> 01:04:49.327
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yes.

01:04:50.107 --> 01:04:51.847
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And so so the book is going to be out.

01:04:53.488 --> 01:04:57.849
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's going to be out in two weeks.

01:04:58.930 --> 01:04:59.770
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And it's

01:05:01.178 --> 01:05:03.298
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The title is The Way of Truth.

01:05:03.539 --> 01:05:05.279
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Okay, and it's my autobiography.

01:05:05.919 --> 01:05:10.680
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And I tell the whole story of COVID there very easily told.

01:05:11.500 --> 01:05:27.004
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And I end with the Robert Koch files with this page 725 and the statements that they have written down, and that they're open for the whole world to see that the world has been subject to a mass human experiment.

01:05:27.624 --> 01:05:28.124
[Charles Kovess]: Absolutely.

01:05:29.296 --> 01:05:38.692
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I have no more to say, because it's all written down, and not by us, but by those guys themselves.

01:05:39.213 --> 01:05:40.676
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: This is the wonderful thing about it.

01:05:43.406 --> 01:05:46.469
[Stephen Frost]: But Sucharit, it was not just about the vaccine.

01:05:46.529 --> 01:05:48.731
[Stephen Frost]: So you're a medical doctor and I'm a medical doctor.

01:05:48.751 --> 01:05:57.579
[Stephen Frost]: So medical doctors, if they're good, they should be hypothesizing on behalf of the human species, thinking of their patients and humanity in general.

01:05:57.979 --> 01:06:01.062
[Stephen Frost]: What happened in 2020 was obviously wrong.

01:06:01.202 --> 01:06:02.243
[Stephen Frost]: It wasn't partially wrong.

01:06:02.543 --> 01:06:03.644
[Stephen Frost]: It was completely wrong.

01:06:03.904 --> 01:06:05.466
[Stephen Frost]: Let's go back four years.

01:06:05.706 --> 01:06:06.687
[Stephen Frost]: It was a pack of lies.

01:06:07.847 --> 01:06:11.189
[Stephen Frost]: So you've said tonight that we don't have to prove it was wrong.

01:06:11.549 --> 01:06:12.730
[Stephen Frost]: They have to prove that it is.

01:06:13.170 --> 01:06:14.371
[Stephen Frost]: It was actually justified.

01:06:14.711 --> 01:06:15.612
[Stephen Frost]: It wasn't justified.

01:06:15.912 --> 01:06:18.473
[Stephen Frost]: Human beings are very social animals.

01:06:18.553 --> 01:06:24.757
[Stephen Frost]: They have incredible habits and they were robbed of their habits and they were robbed of their souls.

01:06:28.960 --> 01:06:30.203
[Stephen Frost]: and the will to live.

01:06:30.283 --> 01:06:36.136
[Stephen Frost]: They lost the will to live, many human beings, and that has not been talked about by any medical doctors in the world.

01:06:36.690 --> 01:06:46.093
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No, I mean, we agreed on all points, Stephen, but I am trying to find out how to stop the WHO and its vaccination program.

01:06:46.833 --> 01:06:48.673
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Everything else doesn't really interest me.

01:06:48.833 --> 01:06:50.194
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It does not interest me.

01:06:50.614 --> 01:06:57.876
[Stephen Frost]: The WHO are evil, but the reason they need to go is because they're not needed, because pandemics are not possible.

01:06:58.652 --> 01:07:01.855
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: That's why they look, this is beside the point.

01:07:02.276 --> 01:07:05.259
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: How do we stop this vaccination program?

01:07:05.299 --> 01:07:08.202
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: That's the only thing I'm interested in the only thing.

01:07:08.822 --> 01:07:12.426
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Because as you know, it's it's exploding now.

01:07:12.966 --> 01:07:15.309
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And if we don't think about a way to stop it,

01:07:17.023 --> 01:07:19.924
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I'm not going to go into discussions with anyone.

01:07:20.605 --> 01:07:21.825
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: There's nothing to discuss.

01:07:22.246 --> 01:07:23.666
[Charles Kovess]: There's nothing to discuss.

01:07:23.686 --> 01:07:28.689
[Charles Kovess]: While we've got Jay here, we've got one other scientist here who's got his hand up, and that's David Resnick.

01:07:29.729 --> 01:07:31.710
[Charles Kovess]: Ron, have you had dealings with David Resnick?

01:07:31.750 --> 01:07:41.655
[Stephen Frost]: Well, Charles, I'm concerned that JJ hasn't had a chance to... Well, he did speak at the beginning, but he hasn't had a chance to... We'll see what David Resnick has to say, then we'll go to Jay.

01:07:41.795 --> 01:07:42.135
[David Rasnick]: David?

01:07:43.320 --> 01:07:43.660
[David Rasnick]: Oh, hi.

01:07:44.280 --> 01:07:45.541
[David Rasnick]: Yeah, very, very interesting.

01:07:45.641 --> 01:07:55.805
[David Rasnick]: The reason I put my hand up is that I have four years experience facing what most everybody here has been facing five years.

01:07:56.345 --> 01:08:01.907
[David Rasnick]: I knew as early as February of 2020 that every aspect of what we're talking about today was

01:08:02.930 --> 01:08:17.835
[David Rasnick]: There was no way that I could explain to anybody why that was, because it took what you're experiencing right now, what you're all going through and facing, what you understand, how do you convey the useful information to other people?

01:08:18.235 --> 01:08:21.416
[David Rasnick]: That's what happened with the AIDS stuff back in the 80s and 90s.

01:08:21.836 --> 01:08:22.417
[David Rasnick]: Absolutely.

01:08:22.837 --> 01:08:26.178
[David Rasnick]: A subset of us around the world, and it has nothing to do with science.

01:08:26.438 --> 01:08:30.039
[David Rasnick]: You see, the key of it is it's not medical, it's not anything.

01:08:31.180 --> 01:08:32.240
[David Rasnick]: It's a pack of lies.

01:08:33.341 --> 01:08:40.486
[David Rasnick]: But how do you get away, how do you approach people without having to go through all this technobabble?

01:08:40.786 --> 01:08:44.930
[David Rasnick]: The technobabble with AIDS is not going to work with COVID.

01:08:46.151 --> 01:08:48.012
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: That's why I don't want to get involved in this.

01:08:48.592 --> 01:08:49.293
[David Rasnick]: I agree with you.

01:08:50.194 --> 01:08:52.035
[David Rasnick]: You've got to take a non-technical approach.

01:08:55.663 --> 01:08:56.344
[David Rasnick]: Stay away from it.

01:08:56.384 --> 01:08:57.606
[David Rasnick]: We all understand it.

01:08:57.927 --> 01:09:03.136
[David Rasnick]: We cannot educate and bring people to this awareness in any reasonable time.

01:09:03.998 --> 01:09:06.622
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I want this to go through Parliament.

01:09:07.659 --> 01:09:09.160
[J Jay Couey]: Well, that sounds a bit defeatist.

01:09:09.200 --> 01:09:10.240
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Hang on, hang on.

01:09:10.560 --> 01:09:33.848
[J Jay Couey]: I would just make the argument that where my hope lies, and it might be just nonsense, but where my hope lies is that there are thousands of academic professional biologists in universities, labs, and in pharmaceutical laboratories that have the requisite biological background to hear the words, RNA cannot pandemic, and have like a

01:09:34.636 --> 01:09:35.296
[J Jay Couey]: What does that mean?

01:09:35.917 --> 01:09:43.220
[J Jay Couey]: They also can hear the words intramuscular injection of any combination of substances with the intent of augmenting my kid's immune system is dumb.

01:09:43.641 --> 01:09:44.781
[J Jay Couey]: And then they could think about it.

01:09:44.801 --> 01:09:47.522
[J Jay Couey]: They could think about what do I really know about immunology?

01:09:48.023 --> 01:09:54.506
[J Jay Couey]: And if they asked those questions to me, I could go on for hours about how the immune system is organized from the inside out.

01:09:54.566 --> 01:10:00.109
[J Jay Couey]: And the original idea of vaccination has always been to perturb the barrier at the,

01:10:00.809 --> 01:10:04.270
[J Jay Couey]: in the direction that the immune system is oriented.

01:10:04.370 --> 01:10:08.031
[J Jay Couey]: If somebody wanted to ask me, but how did they use PCR to lie?

01:10:08.191 --> 01:10:20.494
[J Jay Couey]: I can explain to an academic biologist all the ways that they use PCR to be hyper-accurate, to get a publication in Nature, and how none of those optimizations were used in any diagnostics.

01:10:20.934 --> 01:10:29.896
[J Jay Couey]: So there are questions that need to be asked, and I think there are people with professional backgrounds that will propel them to ask the right questions if we can just stimulate them

01:10:30.416 --> 01:10:31.297
[J Jay Couey]: to think about them.

01:10:31.357 --> 01:10:41.345
[J Jay Couey]: That's why I think technical, yes, you're not going to get a gas station attendant to understand it, but there are thousands of academics around the world that ought to be able to figure this out.

01:10:42.767 --> 01:10:44.028
[David Rasnick]: A real quick response.

01:10:44.864 --> 01:10:50.628
[David Rasnick]: Back in the 80s, the 80s and 90s, it wasn't just Peter Duesberg, me, and a handful of other scientists.

01:10:51.109 --> 01:10:58.555
[David Rasnick]: The people at UCSF did, the people at UC Berkeley did, and they knew it, but they kept their mouths shut.

01:10:59.115 --> 01:10:59.715
[J Jay Couey]: I get it.

01:11:00.076 --> 01:11:03.298
[J Jay Couey]: I get it, but we have social media now.

01:11:03.358 --> 01:11:11.805
[J Jay Couey]: We have 40 different military platforms that people are logged into, and those 40 military platforms didn't exist when you were trying to get the truth out about AIDS.

01:11:12.489 --> 01:11:13.190
[David Rasnick]: They already knew it.

01:11:13.410 --> 01:11:15.812
[David Rasnick]: The scientists knew it, but they kept their mouth shut.

01:11:15.952 --> 01:11:16.613
[David Rasnick]: I knew these people.

01:11:16.633 --> 01:11:19.015
[Charles Kovess]: So David, hold that thought quite right.

01:11:19.215 --> 01:11:20.156
[Stephen Frost]: Nick's got his hand up.

01:11:20.956 --> 01:11:31.125
[Stephen Frost]: But David, the difference this time is many, many millions of people, many billions maybe, have suffered greatly, and they don't even know, a lot of them, how much they've suffered.

01:11:31.646 --> 01:11:33.227
[Stephen Frost]: Because they're in Stockholm Syndrome.

01:11:33.567 --> 01:11:34.829
[Stephen Frost]: They're in Stockholm Syndrome.

01:11:34.929 --> 01:11:36.050
[Charles Kovess]: That's a nice distinction.

01:11:36.090 --> 01:11:36.250
[Charles Kovess]: Nick?

01:11:38.243 --> 01:11:40.044
[Nick Hudson]: Yeah, just quickly, thank you.

01:11:40.125 --> 01:11:41.185
[Nick Hudson]: It's been a great discussion.

01:11:41.506 --> 01:11:54.035
[Nick Hudson]: It's been a long time since I met anybody sensible who thinks that there was a pandemic, and that's progress, and well done to a lot of you for promoting that version of events.

01:11:54.816 --> 01:12:03.123
[Nick Hudson]: I think that if we are in the business of trying to discover the truth, then one of the things we need to do is take a good hard look at the most censored topics.

01:12:03.763 --> 01:12:17.214
[Nick Hudson]: And it's so interesting that Sucharit led in with the RKI files, because there are two topics closely related to those which are among the most censored that we can't get people to go and face.

01:12:17.895 --> 01:12:23.839
[Nick Hudson]: And the one is the important role that Germany played politically

01:12:24.980 --> 01:12:25.821
[Nick Hudson]: in the whole story.

01:12:27.362 --> 01:12:38.608
[Nick Hudson]: If you are one of the proponents of the view that Germany had a central role instead of the false dichotomy of DoD or China, then you will be severely censored on social media.

01:12:39.651 --> 01:12:51.535
[Nick Hudson]: If you point out that BioNTech is the item of interest and not Pfizer, and if you insist on people naming the correct culprit in the biggest fraud of them all, you will be censored.

01:12:52.135 --> 01:12:55.216
[Nick Hudson]: Those are two German-related stories.

01:12:55.456 --> 01:13:08.260
[Nick Hudson]: But more importantly than both of those, I would say is we have a situation where if you step out

01:13:09.443 --> 01:13:17.274
[Nick Hudson]: and say what JJ has said, that an injection is incompatible with developing an immune response.

01:13:18.256 --> 01:13:20.499
[Nick Hudson]: You will be frozen to death.

01:13:23.319 --> 01:13:26.721
[Charles Kovess]: the idea that... So, Nick, just hold on.

01:13:26.741 --> 01:13:27.861
[Charles Kovess]: We'll say goodbye to Nick.

01:13:28.102 --> 01:13:30.022
[Charles Kovess]: We'll say goodbye to Jay, because he has to go.

01:13:30.263 --> 01:13:31.263
[Charles Kovess]: And you keep going, Nick.

01:13:31.283 --> 01:13:32.584
[Charles Kovess]: So, Jay, thank you so much.

01:13:33.384 --> 01:13:34.144
[Charles Kovess]: Yes, thank you, Jay.

01:13:34.325 --> 01:13:36.586
[Charles Kovess]: Great work you're doing and being provocative.

01:13:36.606 --> 01:13:37.006
[J Jay Couey]: Thank you very much.

01:13:37.326 --> 01:13:38.627
[J Jay Couey]: I'm sorry I have to leave.

01:13:39.167 --> 01:13:44.509
[J Jay Couey]: I'm often in the audience as an iPhone, but I'm here and thank you very much for all of your attention.

01:13:44.549 --> 01:13:45.390
[J Jay Couey]: I really appreciate it.

01:13:45.430 --> 01:13:47.911
[J Jay Couey]: Sucharit, you're one of my heroes, man.

01:13:47.951 --> 01:13:48.671
[J Jay Couey]: I don't know what to say.

01:13:48.691 --> 01:13:49.232
[J Jay Couey]: I wouldn't have made it.

01:13:49.252 --> 01:13:51.653
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Well, you're one of ours, Jay.

01:13:54.234 --> 01:14:01.636
[Stephen Frost]: We'll try and set up another meeting, because I think it's very good to talk like this.

01:14:02.776 --> 01:14:03.717
[Ron Johnson]: I also have to interrupt.

01:14:03.797 --> 01:14:04.857
[Ron Johnson]: I have to leave as well.

01:14:05.297 --> 01:14:06.498
[Ron Johnson]: But I want to stay connected.

01:14:06.738 --> 01:14:06.938
[Ron Johnson]: Okay.

01:14:06.958 --> 01:14:11.219
[Ron Johnson]: I mean, I came on because JJ and Dr. Bakker was on.

01:14:11.639 --> 01:14:13.080
[Ron Johnson]: So I need more information.

01:14:13.120 --> 01:14:15.940
[Ron Johnson]: So keep me keep inviting me.

01:14:16.481 --> 01:14:16.701
[Ron Johnson]: Okay.

01:14:16.721 --> 01:14:17.401
[Ron Johnson]: Thank you so much.

01:14:17.801 --> 01:14:18.161
[Ron Johnson]: Thank you.

01:14:18.181 --> 01:14:18.361
[Ron Johnson]: Thank you.

01:14:22.330 --> 01:14:33.008
[Charles Kovess]: Okay, so Nick, keep going because we're recording this and then Ron's staff can look at it and all of us can re-look at it and think through.

01:14:33.108 --> 01:14:33.890
[Charles Kovess]: Keep going, right Nick?

01:14:35.109 --> 01:14:50.332
[Nick Hudson]: Okay, and then the other point I was leading up to just in the context of suppressed narratives, you know, from the International COVID Summit 2 till about, I think it was 4, I was, yeah, I was a participant and speaker.

01:14:52.013 --> 01:14:57.614
[Nick Hudson]: And I got to know several of the salient individuals there, including Robert Malone.

01:14:59.234 --> 01:15:04.738
[Nick Hudson]: And things came unstuck there for me when it came to ICS-5.

01:15:05.278 --> 01:15:13.964
[Nick Hudson]: And by then I was on like a, it wasn't ever really formalized, but there was sort of a committee that would meet and talk about the speakers roster.

01:15:14.975 --> 01:15:24.197
[Nick Hudson]: And I said, look, at the moment, if we're not all agreeing that COVID was a political and not a medical event, then I think we're wasting our time.

01:15:24.337 --> 01:15:41.320
[Nick Hudson]: And what disturbed me about ICS4 in Romania is that all the people who were there to deposit a political message were relegated to the arse end of the two-day session in favor of absolutely bizarre topics like how to use barometric

01:15:42.581 --> 01:15:45.583
[Nick Hudson]: treatment modalities to treat long COVID.

01:15:45.963 --> 01:15:47.985
[Nick Hudson]: You know, does the world really need to hear that?

01:15:49.026 --> 01:15:51.568
[Nick Hudson]: But yes, apparently, according to ICS4, it did.

01:15:52.268 --> 01:16:02.916
[Nick Hudson]: And so the speakers who had something to say about COVID as a political phenomenon were crammed into the last few minutes when the hall was empty, the videos were an absolute mess.

01:16:03.597 --> 01:16:05.718
[Nick Hudson]: And so I got up there, I said, I'm not coming again.

01:16:06.599 --> 01:16:15.065
[Nick Hudson]: And yes, we all agree that if we're discussing a political phenomenon, the majority of the speakers ought to be people of a political inclination.

01:16:15.365 --> 01:16:15.985
[Nick Hudson]: Absolutely.

01:16:16.005 --> 01:16:16.926
[Nick Hudson]: Yeah.

01:16:17.386 --> 01:16:18.427
[Nick Hudson]: Good for you, Nick.

01:16:19.147 --> 01:16:21.569
[Nick Hudson]: At that point, I got thrown out of the whole story.

01:16:21.969 --> 01:16:22.870
[Nick Hudson]: Yeah, exactly.

01:16:22.930 --> 01:16:27.736
[Nick Hudson]: The loan blocked me and it cut off all communications.

01:16:27.756 --> 01:16:34.083
[Nick Hudson]: After two years, including trips together and lots of interaction, I was completely frozen out.

01:16:34.163 --> 01:16:35.905
[Nick Hudson]: And that goes back to my original point.

01:16:36.345 --> 01:16:39.329
[Nick Hudson]: Concentrate on the narratives that are suppressed.

01:16:39.669 --> 01:16:41.251
[Nick Hudson]: And these are the narratives that are suppressed.

01:16:41.271 --> 01:16:41.691
[Stephen Frost]: Absolutely.

01:16:41.991 --> 01:16:42.732
[Stephen Frost]: Very good, Nick.

01:16:43.473 --> 01:16:47.818
[Stephen Frost]: So Nick, I was in contact with the two people I knew.

01:16:48.539 --> 01:16:57.949
[Stephen Frost]: One was American, I won't say the name, but one was Italian, and he was willing to listen to me.

01:16:58.069 --> 01:17:01.834
[Stephen Frost]: I told him that I see one, in my opinion, they had the wrong speakers there.

01:17:02.274 --> 01:17:03.636
[Stephen Frost]: I won't say which ones were wrong.

01:17:04.918 --> 01:17:14.559
[Stephen Frost]: And so I had them interested for a while, but the female was a bit mysterious, you know, she kept her cards close to her chest, the one in America.

01:17:15.570 --> 01:17:19.411
[Stephen Frost]: She was trying to persuade me, Nick, I'll just tell the truth now.

01:17:19.751 --> 01:17:26.153
[Stephen Frost]: She was trying to persuade me that we needed to have Robert Malone heavily involved.

01:17:26.273 --> 01:17:34.716
[Stephen Frost]: And I said, no, I think that Robert Malone, I don't have anything against him, but I don't think he's the one with the answers.

01:17:35.356 --> 01:17:41.318
[Stephen Frost]: I think he has too much influence over your choices in ICS-1 or had.

01:17:42.038 --> 01:17:43.399
[Stephen Frost]: And guess what happened?

01:17:44.406 --> 01:17:45.046
[Stephen Frost]: It disappeared.

01:17:45.266 --> 01:17:46.967
[Stephen Frost]: And that was after about five.

01:17:47.967 --> 01:17:50.669
[Stephen Frost]: And so they were both going to listen to me.

01:17:50.749 --> 01:17:53.890
[Stephen Frost]: So I think it was his cousin, the Italian guy.

01:17:54.670 --> 01:17:55.991
[Stephen Frost]: It was his American cousin.

01:17:56.571 --> 01:18:11.077
[Stephen Frost]: And essentially, I could not get the speakers I wanted on ICS2, or they wouldn't even consider them if Malone wasn't included.

01:18:13.479 --> 01:18:22.461
[Nick Hudson]: Yeah, there's a very strong element of sustaining the pandemic narrative in the ICS community.

01:18:22.541 --> 01:18:26.962
[Nick Hudson]: And to that extent, I believe the whole operation is essentially flawed.

01:18:27.822 --> 01:18:29.163
[Stephen Frost]: It's leading people astray.

01:18:29.203 --> 01:18:30.283
[Stephen Frost]: There was no pandemic.

01:18:30.383 --> 01:18:31.903
[Stephen Frost]: It's very important to understand that.

01:18:32.163 --> 01:18:39.205
[Charles Kovess]: And just the circuit, what you're proposing in Australia, there was a major push to have a Senate inquiry.

01:18:39.845 --> 01:18:42.867
[Charles Kovess]: on the whole, just on a simple number of excess deaths.

01:18:43.348 --> 01:18:45.209
[Charles Kovess]: It got through by one vote.

01:18:45.529 --> 01:18:48.731
[Charles Kovess]: All of the submissions that were filed were ignored by the Senate.

01:18:49.172 --> 01:18:53.254
[Charles Kovess]: It was a very short hearing and the fix is on.

01:18:53.855 --> 01:19:03.721
[Charles Kovess]: However, in Australia, last Friday, a local municipality passed a resolution that I'm sure many of you have seen, the Port Hedland Council,

01:19:04.522 --> 01:19:08.003
[Charles Kovess]: You know, and they've announced that they're taking these steps.

01:19:08.844 --> 01:19:15.306
[Charles Kovess]: And already the state government is saying to the Port Hedland Council, keep your nose out of this stuff.

01:19:15.786 --> 01:19:18.247
[Charles Kovess]: There's a lot to be said for Sucharit, for what you're saying.

01:19:18.307 --> 01:19:19.768
[Charles Kovess]: Ron says, I can't do it at the top.

01:19:20.128 --> 01:19:26.390
[Charles Kovess]: Yes, but we can take your advice, your comments, Sucharit, at the bottom, at local municipalities.

01:19:26.450 --> 01:19:31.792
[Charles Kovess]: And there are people on this call doing it at a county level, county by county in California.

01:19:32.132 --> 01:19:33.573
[Charles Kovess]: Julie Threatt is doing that.

01:19:34.154 --> 01:19:36.381
[Charles Kovess]: with Ron Owens, OK?

01:19:38.884 --> 01:19:41.906
[Stephen Frost]: Yeah, sure, good.

01:19:41.926 --> 01:19:44.228
[Stephen Frost]: Nick, I don't think it was just political either.

01:19:44.769 --> 01:19:51.594
[Stephen Frost]: I think it was a deliberate Trojan horse to push global totalitarianism.

01:19:52.035 --> 01:19:53.136
[Stephen Frost]: That's what COVID was.

01:19:53.456 --> 01:20:04.405
[Stephen Frost]: It was a Trojan horse amongst many Trojan horses, but arguably the most important Trojan horse because pandemics, in inverted commas, have the power to frighten people as they did.

01:20:06.342 --> 01:20:08.884
[Charles Kovess]: Including doctors, including doctors.

01:20:09.485 --> 01:20:19.632
[Charles Kovess]: Sucharit, on David Rasnick's point, and Nick, Stephen said, there are many thousands of academics now.

01:20:19.732 --> 01:20:23.094
[Charles Kovess]: David, it didn't happen in the 80s.

01:20:23.275 --> 01:20:26.597
[Charles Kovess]: The gift of COVID has been a large awakening.

01:20:26.677 --> 01:20:29.059
[Charles Kovess]: Sucharit, is that your sense, Nick?

01:20:29.779 --> 01:20:34.202
[Charles Kovess]: Many more academics and scientists are awake now than they were in the 80s.

01:20:35.529 --> 01:20:36.850
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Oh, absolutely.

01:20:37.310 --> 01:20:39.311
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I mean, we're looking at tens of thousands.

01:20:39.872 --> 01:20:43.294
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You know what happened in Tokyo two weeks ago?

01:20:44.034 --> 01:20:50.999
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: This mass demonstration of 50,000 people and led by top scientists, Japanese scientists.

01:20:52.360 --> 01:20:56.322
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So it's not as if no one is standing up.

01:20:58.123 --> 01:21:03.607
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Many, many thousands, doctors, physicians, and scientists.

01:21:04.597 --> 01:21:06.598
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: are fully awake and aware.

01:21:07.239 --> 01:21:23.830
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And that's why I think, as I say, the time has really now come for these official parliamentary committees to be set up, because they will invite the experts.

01:21:26.280 --> 01:21:29.743
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: to come and talk in front of Parliament.

01:21:29.803 --> 01:21:37.210
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: This happens in front of Parliament, not on the streets, not in any theatres anywhere, but in the Parliament.

01:21:38.311 --> 01:21:43.816
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And these sessions are recorded and have to be recorded.

01:21:44.797 --> 01:21:49.241
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And they get out into the media.

01:21:50.302 --> 01:21:51.002
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They always do.

01:21:51.883 --> 01:21:56.905
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So I'm placing my hopes in this.

01:21:58.506 --> 01:22:04.969
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And I'm really talking to the top politicians.

01:22:07.170 --> 01:22:11.112
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And they have told me that this is now, they've already done it.

01:22:12.753 --> 01:22:20.458
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The committees are being set up now, as I said, in Saxony, in Thuringen and in Brandenburg.

01:22:22.284 --> 01:22:31.392
[Stephen Frost]: So Senator Johnson seemed to think that, the same as I thought, that something in Germany changed in this last week, Sucharit.

01:22:31.432 --> 01:22:34.674
[Stephen Frost]: So there was something that they were investigating.

01:22:34.714 --> 01:22:35.875
[Stephen Frost]: Maybe it was a false story.

01:22:36.576 --> 01:22:40.559
[Stephen Frost]: So he seemed to know exactly the same as I seem to, I can't quite remember.

01:22:41.840 --> 01:22:47.285
[Nick Hudson]: They decided not to have an investigation into the policy response.

01:22:49.146 --> 01:22:49.526
[Stephen Frost]: Who did?

01:22:49.947 --> 01:22:51.068
[Stephen Frost]: The federal government or the

01:22:52.846 --> 01:22:55.387
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yeah, but it was a federal government.

01:22:55.427 --> 01:22:59.508
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But the federal government, of course, is not so important.

01:22:59.928 --> 01:23:07.429
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's the state governments, you know, it's, it's, it's, this is a federal state.

01:23:08.230 --> 01:23:10.870
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So, each state has its own parliament.

01:23:11.350 --> 01:23:17.972
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, the federal government in Berlin is ruled, of course, by the other side.

01:23:19.639 --> 01:23:33.956
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But it is only in East Germany, in the former East German states, that the AFD and the other party, Sarawakian Commission, have now risen to power.

01:23:33.976 --> 01:23:37.260
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Okay, this happened in September.

01:23:38.288 --> 01:23:48.720
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And now for the first time they are able to install these committees themselves for their own states.

01:23:49.421 --> 01:23:56.329
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So these committees will only be operating for Thuringia and Saxony, but one state in

01:23:57.819 --> 01:23:58.981
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: is extremely important.

01:23:59.622 --> 01:24:00.103
[Charles Kovess]: Absolutely.

01:24:00.824 --> 01:24:09.316
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Because if they come to a conclusion in one state, like in Saxony, the other states will ask, well, now what about us?

01:24:10.077 --> 01:24:10.378
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Okay.

01:24:10.418 --> 01:24:10.678
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Sure.

01:24:12.080 --> 01:24:13.362
[Stephen Frost]: Yeah, like a precedent.

01:24:14.654 --> 01:24:30.816
[Stephen Frost]: so you're not you're not so so interested you're sorry you're not so disappointed that the federal government has just no no no that was clear that okay yeah i understand that's but i think that's what senator johnson that heard you say so but that that is meaningless yeah very good

01:24:31.243 --> 01:24:32.004
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: We all know that.

01:24:32.584 --> 01:24:43.336
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And the other country where the really federal government is going to install a committee of inquiry is Austria.

01:24:43.996 --> 01:24:45.358
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Because in Austria, this

01:24:46.779 --> 01:24:51.701
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: FPO or FPO has won the majority.

01:24:52.281 --> 01:24:59.983
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And the number of seats that they have suffice for them as a party alone to install a committee.

01:25:00.763 --> 01:25:01.404
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And they're going to do it.

01:25:02.124 --> 01:25:05.485
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's going to happen, I think, in November.

01:25:06.448 --> 01:25:20.958
[Stephen Frost]: But Sucharit, we've had a public inquiry in the United Kingdom, and clearly the chair of the inquiry thinks that her job is to warn the British public that they were terribly treated by the British government.

01:25:21.058 --> 01:25:28.804
[Stephen Frost]: Every man, woman, and child suffered at the hands of the British government, I think were her exact words, but may have gotten slightly wrong.

01:25:29.684 --> 01:25:35.771
[Stephen Frost]: And her perception was that in the next pandemic they have to do much better.

01:25:35.791 --> 01:25:39.375
[Stephen Frost]: In other words, lock people down earlier and harder.

01:25:40.117 --> 01:25:43.279
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: what's happening in Germany and Austria is not a public inquiry.

01:25:43.599 --> 01:25:45.540
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's not a public inquiry.

01:25:46.281 --> 01:25:52.184
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It is there will be a parliamentary committee.

01:25:53.085 --> 01:26:05.392
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You know, this committee is going to be installed by the politicians themselves.

01:26:05.872 --> 01:26:08.974
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And since the AFD have the majority

01:26:09.932 --> 01:26:12.034
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The committee will be composed mainly of them.

01:26:13.756 --> 01:26:17.940
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And they all want to have this question settled.

01:26:18.641 --> 01:26:19.642
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: That's what I've been telling you.

01:26:19.782 --> 01:26:21.804
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Have just one question settled.

01:26:22.985 --> 01:26:28.591
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Was the vaccine authorization process in Germany lawful?

01:26:30.680 --> 01:26:33.221
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: the simple answer will be no.

01:26:33.842 --> 01:26:34.962
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yes, of course it wasn't lawful.

01:26:35.523 --> 01:26:39.865
[Stephen Frost]: And once that's been established it'll open the floodgates for what else was not lawful.

01:26:40.866 --> 01:26:52.412
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No, I don't really care but the moment that happens the vaccine's authorization is invalid and therefore they will not be able to apply them.

01:26:53.132 --> 01:26:53.693
[Stephen Frost]: I understand.

01:26:54.535 --> 01:26:57.276
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Not only this vaccine, but all RNA vaccines.

01:26:57.296 --> 01:27:01.858
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You know the RSV vaccine is out now, and the flu vaccine is out now.

01:27:02.479 --> 01:27:03.139
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And the shingles.

01:27:03.479 --> 01:27:06.440
[Charles Kovess]: And the shingles.

01:27:06.480 --> 01:27:14.984
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The moment the judgment is passed that the authorization process was not lawful, then there was no authorization, right?

01:27:15.913 --> 01:27:17.674
[Charles Kovess]: Correct.

01:27:17.714 --> 01:27:27.236
[Charles Kovess]: David's hand is up and we've had Angus Dalgleish coming on a tour of Australia in the last week and that's, he's messy, he's coming out hard and has been going around the world.

01:27:27.556 --> 01:27:29.397
[Charles Kovess]: No more mRNA jabs.

01:27:29.857 --> 01:27:31.578
[Charles Kovess]: So that's also building on that.

01:27:31.598 --> 01:27:31.918
[Charles Kovess]: David.

01:27:31.938 --> 01:27:39.080
[David Rasnick]: Yeah, I just want to say that I think we scientists, our job is to learn what's going on.

01:27:39.160 --> 01:27:42.861
[David Rasnick]: We don't have time and the other people aren't going to understand the technical stuff.

01:27:43.396 --> 01:27:46.558
[David Rasnick]: We have to just come out in mass and say it's a fraud.

01:27:47.338 --> 01:27:48.519
[Stephen Frost]: Yes, I agree with you, David.

01:27:48.879 --> 01:27:49.720
[Stephen Frost]: Yep, I agree.

01:27:50.340 --> 01:27:55.103
[David Rasnick]: And the more of us that say it, okay, if they ask us, how do you know?

01:27:55.163 --> 01:27:56.324
[David Rasnick]: I'll be happy to tell them.

01:27:56.684 --> 01:28:00.366
[David Rasnick]: But we have to start out with something they understand.

01:28:00.446 --> 01:28:01.367
[David Rasnick]: Okay, what's a fraud?

01:28:01.427 --> 01:28:02.707
[David Rasnick]: It's dangerous, it's going to kill you.

01:28:03.528 --> 01:28:04.448
[David Rasnick]: How has your life been?

01:28:05.729 --> 01:28:06.650
[David Rasnick]: Well, you get the idea.

01:28:06.670 --> 01:28:10.492
[David Rasnick]: The idea is to try to convince people of the technical stuff.

01:28:11.414 --> 01:28:14.497
[David Rasnick]: come out as scientists and professionals and say what we know.

01:28:14.658 --> 01:28:15.358
[David Rasnick]: It's a fraud.

01:28:15.999 --> 01:28:16.480
[Charles Kovess]: Sure.

01:28:16.820 --> 01:28:18.161
[Stephen Frost]: And David, you're absolutely right.

01:28:18.201 --> 01:28:21.025
[Stephen Frost]: In the UK now, I can say that to people.

01:28:21.656 --> 01:28:22.636
[Stephen Frost]: I get their attention.

01:28:23.156 --> 01:28:25.797
[Stephen Frost]: They say, well, how do you know that?

01:28:25.817 --> 01:28:29.557
[Stephen Frost]: And I say, well, all this usual stuff.

01:28:30.017 --> 01:28:31.158
[Stephen Frost]: And they really listen now.

01:28:31.478 --> 01:28:32.438
[Stephen Frost]: Two years ago, they didn't.

01:28:33.138 --> 01:28:35.338
[Stephen Frost]: But not all of them listen now.

01:28:35.819 --> 01:28:36.859
[Stephen Frost]: A lot of them want to do this.

01:28:36.879 --> 01:28:42.900
[Stephen Frost]: You can see that they want to put their hands over their ears so they don't hear anything more which disturbs their minds.

01:28:43.880 --> 01:28:44.980
[Stephen Frost]: I mean, I feel sorry for them.

01:28:45.020 --> 01:28:49.241
[Stephen Frost]: But on the other hand, these people are keeping us in prison and ruining our lives.

01:28:50.578 --> 01:28:51.731
[Stephen Frost]: and everybody else's lives.

01:28:54.394 --> 01:28:59.177
[Stephen Frost]: People who are terrified of keeping us all in prison.

01:28:59.838 --> 01:29:00.498
[Charles Kovess]: That's very good.

01:29:00.518 --> 01:29:01.959
[Charles Kovess]: It's a clear message.

01:29:02.259 --> 01:29:07.123
[Charles Kovess]: And what Ron Johnson wants to be able to say is, how does he use this information?

01:29:07.163 --> 01:29:07.783
[Charles Kovess]: We've got offers.

01:29:07.803 --> 01:29:09.204
[Charles Kovess]: We'll share those offers now.

01:29:09.244 --> 01:29:14.227
[Charles Kovess]: We've got a lot of hands up, Nick and Sucharit and Steven and David.

01:29:14.288 --> 01:29:15.749
[Charles Kovess]: So shall we go to them?

01:29:15.789 --> 01:29:18.991
[Charles Kovess]: We've got less than an hour to go.

01:29:19.211 --> 01:29:20.532
[Charles Kovess]: Sucharit, you're okay for questions?

01:29:23.094 --> 01:29:23.654
[Charles Kovess]: How are you placed?

01:29:26.411 --> 01:29:27.575
[Charles Kovess]: Sucharit, are you okay?

01:29:27.655 --> 01:29:28.397
[Charles Kovess]: No, I have no question.

01:29:28.939 --> 01:29:29.501
[Charles Kovess]: No, no, sorry.

01:29:30.102 --> 01:29:31.426
[Charles Kovess]: Are you okay to answer questions?

01:29:33.078 --> 01:29:36.320
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Sure, but I don't know what they have now actually.

01:29:36.340 --> 01:29:38.841
[Charles Kovess]: No, no, we'll just, whatever time you got.

01:29:38.921 --> 01:29:39.582
[Charles Kovess]: Let's get into it.

01:29:39.602 --> 01:29:41.062
[Charles Kovess]: Half an hour, okay.

01:29:41.543 --> 01:29:42.383
[Charles Kovess]: Half an hour, Charles.

01:29:42.783 --> 01:29:43.904
[Charles Kovess]: Great, okay.

01:29:43.984 --> 01:29:44.344
[Charles Kovess]: Thank you.

01:29:44.824 --> 01:29:49.447
[Charles Kovess]: Let's go, and I think, who had his first, I think Anders, you had your hand up first.

01:29:50.187 --> 01:29:53.249
[Charles Kovess]: We'll go Anders, then John, so go Anders.

01:29:53.649 --> 01:29:54.890
[Charles Kovess]: And we'll make the questions.

01:29:55.010 --> 01:29:57.812
[Stephen Frost]: Please, can you ask the questions in two minutes?

01:29:57.872 --> 01:29:58.552
[Stephen Frost]: That should be enough.

01:29:58.992 --> 01:29:59.172
[Stephen Frost]: Yeah.

01:29:59.893 --> 01:30:00.193
[Anders O Brunstad]: Okay.

01:30:01.391 --> 01:30:05.253
[Anders O Brunstad]: So I think the problem is still ongoing, and it's not just mRNA.

01:30:06.434 --> 01:30:16.600
[Anders O Brunstad]: The latest anti-flu shots, the dentist, anything you do, it's full of the same, which is not really mRNA.

01:30:16.721 --> 01:30:20.083
[Anders O Brunstad]: It is magnetic injections of nanomaterials.

01:30:21.163 --> 01:30:22.764
[Anders O Brunstad]: This is a major issue.

01:30:23.105 --> 01:30:24.846
[Anders O Brunstad]: The historical issue is that

01:30:26.005 --> 01:30:26.905
[Anders O Brunstad]: It was a fraud.

01:30:28.126 --> 01:30:39.648
[Anders O Brunstad]: Robert Koch, he defined the protocol and basically there has never been any evidence of any virus according to Robert Koch protocol.

01:30:40.369 --> 01:30:53.492
[Anders O Brunstad]: So, and this has been pushed for 120 years and people still, most people believe they need to take any vaccination because there is a claimed virus which does not exist according to scientific method.

01:30:55.851 --> 01:30:56.972
[Anders O Brunstad]: So this is one problem.

01:30:57.172 --> 01:31:15.324
[Anders O Brunstad]: The second problem is that for 170 years, people have been polluted with radiology, with electromagnetic frequencies, which has increased a million times or more the last 25 years.

01:31:16.985 --> 01:31:18.326
[Anders O Brunstad]: And this radiology

01:31:19.617 --> 01:31:36.853
[Anders O Brunstad]: it gives recently digital pulses into the humans, into the magnetic material, which causes another antenna in the body, which is then causing the harm to a big extent.

01:31:37.934 --> 01:31:45.180
[Anders O Brunstad]: And this is the main problem, in my opinion, that you have this mechanism, not just from the

01:31:47.737 --> 01:31:55.041
[Anders O Brunstad]: injections, but now from the chemtrails, from the polluted food, water, milk, anything.

01:31:56.042 --> 01:32:03.506
[Anders O Brunstad]: And this is the GM, it is the pesticide, it is the water, and this is the whole program.

01:32:03.606 --> 01:32:05.948
[Anders O Brunstad]: It's a total extermination program.

01:32:06.128 --> 01:32:07.929
[Stephen Frost]: I assess now... What's your question?

01:32:08.169 --> 01:32:08.809
[Stephen Frost]: Now the question.

01:32:09.930 --> 01:32:14.993
[Anders O Brunstad]: Yeah, this is the problem of fraud in science and people

01:32:15.754 --> 01:32:26.003
[Anders O Brunstad]: don't realize this and I will just ask can you please look into this Dr. Suraj Bhakti because this is the wider context of the problem.

01:32:27.267 --> 01:32:34.331
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Well, if I may just briefly answer, all of this is overwhelming me.

01:32:35.532 --> 01:32:38.333
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: My capacity is limited, simply.

01:32:39.194 --> 01:32:48.960
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And I have to focus my energy on subjects that I think I can handle.

01:32:49.560 --> 01:32:54.423
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, everything that you say may well be true, and I'm afraid they are true.

01:32:55.163 --> 01:32:58.706
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But I do not have the capacity to enter into these fields.

01:32:59.507 --> 01:33:01.668
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I hope you realize this.

01:33:01.708 --> 01:33:02.469
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I'm retired.

01:33:05.331 --> 01:33:07.553
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: We have a little family to take care of.

01:33:08.354 --> 01:33:14.499
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And this Corona business has been sapping my energy for four and a half years now.

01:33:15.319 --> 01:33:23.406
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So I think this has to be left over to other people like you and others who are in on the subject.

01:33:25.706 --> 01:33:26.927
[Charles Kovess]: Very good, Sucharit.

01:33:28.148 --> 01:33:33.112
[Charles Kovess]: And Anders is fighting the good fight, so he will continue, as will Mark Steele, as will others.

01:33:33.192 --> 01:33:35.353
[Charles Kovess]: So Sucharit, thank you for that response.

01:33:35.434 --> 01:33:46.162
[Charles Kovess]: Nick, is there anything you want to say on Anders' proposition on the whole question of 5G and the impact of the injections plus the 5G EMRs and the like?

01:33:49.605 --> 01:33:51.827
[Charles Kovess]: So, are you talking to us, Nick?

01:33:52.227 --> 01:33:52.448
[Charles Kovess]: Yes.

01:33:53.188 --> 01:33:53.649
[Charles Kovess]: Yes, Nick.

01:33:53.689 --> 01:33:54.630
[Charles Kovess]: Oh, sorry.

01:33:55.390 --> 01:33:58.973
[Charles Kovess]: If you want to make a comment, just put your hand up.

01:33:59.154 --> 01:34:00.315
[Charles Kovess]: We'll just keep going to the questions.

01:34:00.395 --> 01:34:00.695
[Nick Hudson]: Okay.

01:34:01.335 --> 01:34:01.616
[Nick Hudson]: Okay.

01:34:01.656 --> 01:34:04.919
[Nick Hudson]: Yeah, I do have one short comment on the radiation story.

01:34:06.019 --> 01:34:25.085
[Nick Hudson]: I think it's a very interesting area, and I'm certainly receptive to opinions, but the one thing I would point out is that dose response is largely ignored by the most ardent activists in this field, and I think they do so to tremendous harm to their arguments.

01:34:27.808 --> 01:34:35.357
[Nick Hudson]: To talk about a million-fold increase, for example, yeah, I can imagine that the total volume of waves being pumped out has gone up a million-fold.

01:34:35.858 --> 01:34:40.744
[Nick Hudson]: But there's this notion of nonlinear dose response, which is

01:34:41.685 --> 01:34:43.426
[Nick Hudson]: just universal.

01:34:43.866 --> 01:34:46.928
[Nick Hudson]: Water has a nonlinear dose response.

01:34:47.208 --> 01:34:49.529
[Nick Hudson]: COVID vaccines have a nonlinear dose response.

01:34:49.869 --> 01:34:52.230
[Nick Hudson]: Everything you can imagine has a nonlinear dose response.

01:34:52.630 --> 01:34:58.113
[Nick Hudson]: There's a range during which is potentially helpful and then a range at which it gets very dangerous.

01:34:58.553 --> 01:35:02.695
[Nick Hudson]: If you sleep with a 5G transmitter next to your bed, it's almost certainly harmful.

01:35:03.175 --> 01:35:08.277
[Nick Hudson]: But people get a bit too doctrinaire in the absence of robust

01:35:09.918 --> 01:35:15.062
[Nick Hudson]: not just robust studies, but even robust explanations for how this harm would take place.

01:35:16.023 --> 01:35:21.307
[Nick Hudson]: So I'm receptive, but I'm not going down the rabbit hole with any venom and force.

01:35:21.887 --> 01:35:24.609
[Nick Hudson]: Because I don't think the answers have been delivered.

01:35:25.990 --> 01:35:26.791
[Stephen Frost]: Absolutely right.

01:35:27.711 --> 01:35:30.914
[Stephen Frost]: That's what I tried to do as well, but I'm not as successful as you.

01:35:33.023 --> 01:35:45.747
[Stephen Frost]: But I've realized in this group tonight, I can see a little team that we can assemble around Ron Johnson, because he was more or less asking for that, and I'll contact you after the meeting.

01:35:45.887 --> 01:35:57.770
[Stephen Frost]: So, but I don't want to say who, but I think I can see a team forming, and I hope that, Sucharit, you don't want to be part of the team, it sounds like, Sucharit, but maybe you can be our

01:35:59.275 --> 01:36:03.496
[Stephen Frost]: executive advisor, or whatever you want to call it, you know.

01:36:03.596 --> 01:36:07.258
[Stephen Frost]: Or we can appoint you to Ron Johnson as his executive advisor.

01:36:08.678 --> 01:36:11.619
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: As long as I don't have to do too much, it's all right.

01:36:12.059 --> 01:36:12.479
[Charles Kovess]: Well said.

01:36:12.499 --> 01:36:14.260
[Charles Kovess]: All right, let's keep going with the questions.

01:36:14.300 --> 01:36:16.021
[Charles Kovess]: John, look out, and then Julie.

01:36:16.901 --> 01:36:18.882
[Charles Kovess]: Look, we've got a John and a Julie in a gym.

01:36:19.022 --> 01:36:19.282
[Charles Kovess]: Gosh.

01:36:21.863 --> 01:36:27.925
[John Lukach]: I had a question for Ron Johnson, and I had a question for JJ, and they're both gone.

01:36:30.680 --> 01:36:34.847
[John Lukach]: Dr. Bhakti, I'll throw this at you just to see if you have an opinion.

01:36:39.049 --> 01:36:41.270
[John Lukach]: Listen to JJ's last presentation.

01:36:41.350 --> 01:36:50.634
[John Lukach]: He brought up this whole new angle here about pure oxygen, 60 liters per minute causing harm.

01:36:52.215 --> 01:36:55.156
[John Lukach]: I have yet to hear anybody explain this to me.

01:36:55.897 --> 01:37:02.019
[John Lukach]: How does, where does that leave hyperbaric oxygen as a therapy?

01:37:03.562 --> 01:37:05.503
[John Lukach]: it, are we harming ourselves with that?

01:37:05.583 --> 01:37:13.527
[John Lukach]: I mean, let me just say before you answer, I've gotten into one of those tanks once for about an hour, but I don't know what was being administered.

01:37:13.567 --> 01:37:15.328
[John Lukach]: I know it was oxygen.

01:37:15.368 --> 01:37:16.429
[John Lukach]: I know it was concentrated.

01:37:16.469 --> 01:37:17.869
[John Lukach]: I know it was a couple of atmospheres.

01:37:18.530 --> 01:37:19.130
[John Lukach]: That's all I know.

01:37:19.150 --> 01:37:20.431
[John Lukach]: I don't know how much I got.

01:37:20.951 --> 01:37:22.332
[John Lukach]: I felt great afterwards.

01:37:22.832 --> 01:37:24.453
[John Lukach]: Do we need to back away from that?

01:37:25.540 --> 01:37:29.002
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No, listen, I'm not a pulmonologist, all right?

01:37:29.022 --> 01:37:31.122
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I just want to say one thing.

01:37:31.663 --> 01:37:48.050
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: There is no general answer to such a question, because hyperbaric oxygen is indicated in certain diseases and illnesses, but certainly not in people with respiratory diseases like corona.

01:37:49.130 --> 01:37:51.231
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And there Jay is completely right.

01:37:51.852 --> 01:38:02.279
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: If you administer something that is potentially toxic and dangerous to the wrong patients, you kill them.

01:38:02.759 --> 01:38:16.668
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And it's been known all the time that this hyperbaric oxygen therapy for so-called COVID patients was a mistake, was the wrong indication.

01:38:18.385 --> 01:38:37.172
[John Lukach]: Maybe I've got this mixed up, but it seems like, correct me somebody if I misheard this, but I thought he was saying that this was the first cause, not the second cause, and I may have that wrong.

01:38:37.392 --> 01:38:40.254
[Nick Hudson]: Yeah, it's not hyperbaric, it's high flow.

01:38:40.314 --> 01:38:41.035
[Nick Hudson]: It's a distinction.

01:38:41.495 --> 01:38:44.637
[Nick Hudson]: High flow oxygen is administered through a nasal cannula.

01:38:45.138 --> 01:38:55.405
[Nick Hudson]: Hyperbaric oxygen is administered at pressure in a unit designed to basically to layer on pressure beyond normal atmospheric pressure.

01:38:55.725 --> 01:38:57.246
[Nick Hudson]: They're two very different types of treatment.

01:38:59.588 --> 01:39:02.329
[Stephen Frost]: Thank you for that clarification, Nick.

01:39:02.789 --> 01:39:08.872
[Stephen Frost]: So the hyperbaric oxygen is administered to Djokovic, John?

01:39:10.752 --> 01:39:15.974
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Well, Nick, I think that in Germany they were using hyperbaric.

01:39:16.475 --> 01:39:19.996
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They were intubated and they pumped the oxygen in.

01:39:21.161 --> 01:39:21.541
[Nick Hudson]: Okay.

01:39:21.641 --> 01:39:21.841
[Nick Hudson]: Yeah.

01:39:21.861 --> 01:39:31.784
[Nick Hudson]: So there may have been slight positive pressure, but it's not the same as getting into a pressure vessel and going up to like diving depth pressures of oxygen.

01:39:32.324 --> 01:39:34.444
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And I think- But they were intubated and ventilated.

01:39:35.405 --> 01:39:35.805
[Nick Hudson]: Yes.

01:39:36.185 --> 01:39:39.766
[Nick Hudson]: So with ventilators or prior to ventilation, that's the problem.

01:39:40.246 --> 01:39:46.107
[Nick Hudson]: They would put these patients on nasal cannulas administering almost pure oxygen.

01:39:46.127 --> 01:39:47.087
[Nick Hudson]: No, no, no.

01:39:47.227 --> 01:39:49.288
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: In Germany, they were immediately intubated.

01:39:50.049 --> 01:39:52.171
[Nick Hudson]: Yes, yeah, I'm aware that that happened.

01:39:52.211 --> 01:39:54.752
[Nick Hudson]: In America, though.

01:39:54.812 --> 01:39:55.633
[SPEAKER_03]: Yeah.

01:39:56.534 --> 01:39:56.754
[Nick Hudson]: Yeah.

01:39:57.594 --> 01:40:08.302
[Nick Hudson]: But do you remember there was that Kyle, that Dr. Kyle Sedell, who came out and blew open the tragedy of the ventilators and said, what we should be doing is high flow nasal oxygen.

01:40:08.802 --> 01:40:16.788
[Nick Hudson]: And that was a mistake, because what happened was the high flow nasal oxygen took perfectly healthy people and did lung damage, and then they put them on ventilators.

01:40:16.828 --> 01:40:17.208
[Nick Hudson]: So that was

01:40:18.129 --> 01:40:19.549
[Nick Hudson]: actually a core part of the scam.

01:40:19.829 --> 01:40:30.151
[Nick Hudson]: And JJ speaks very clearly on this, and has read the enormous literature showing that this type of treatment is devastating and to be avoided.

01:40:30.191 --> 01:40:33.992
[Nick Hudson]: But it became standard in a large number of countries, including South Africa.

01:40:34.452 --> 01:40:34.652
[Nick Hudson]: Yeah.

01:40:36.252 --> 01:40:37.012
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So he was right.

01:40:38.373 --> 01:40:38.613
[Nick Hudson]: Who?

01:40:38.733 --> 01:40:39.113
[Nick Hudson]: JJ?

01:40:39.373 --> 01:40:40.493
[Nick Hudson]: Yes, JJ was right.

01:40:40.533 --> 01:40:40.753
[Nick Hudson]: Yes.

01:40:41.033 --> 01:40:43.094
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Okay, so I have nothing more to add.

01:40:43.714 --> 01:40:44.714
[Nick Hudson]: Okay, on we go.

01:40:45.254 --> 01:40:45.554
[Charles Kovess]: Julie.

01:40:47.005 --> 01:40:47.485
[Julie Threet]: Hi, you guys.

01:40:47.505 --> 01:40:48.206
[Julie Threet]: Hi, everybody.

01:40:48.226 --> 01:40:48.926
[Julie Threet]: Hi, Sucharit.

01:40:49.827 --> 01:40:54.670
[Julie Threet]: I wanted to give you maybe a little bit of hope, and I can hear it in your voice, and we're all kind of just exhausted.

01:40:54.710 --> 01:40:56.492
[Julie Threet]: I mean, God, it's almost been four years, five years.

01:40:57.432 --> 01:41:01.035
[Julie Threet]: So yeah, so Ron and I are fighting at the county level here in California.

01:41:01.495 --> 01:41:06.999
[Julie Threet]: We were at Colusa County this morning, and it was probably the most positive reaction I've had from supervisors, right?

01:41:07.579 --> 01:41:09.100
[Julie Threet]: And I think Ron would agree.

01:41:09.601 --> 01:41:13.003
[Julie Threet]: And what I asked of them was, look, you've got, it's a small county.

01:41:13.143 --> 01:41:13.423
[Julie Threet]: It's 22,000 people.

01:41:14.724 --> 01:41:17.146
[Julie Threet]: So probably of that county, 12,000 are vaccinated.

01:41:17.527 --> 01:41:22.251
[Julie Threet]: Hey, listen, why don't you send a letter to your entire county and ask them how their health condition is today?

01:41:22.532 --> 01:41:23.853
[Julie Threet]: They know who's vaccinated.

01:41:23.873 --> 01:41:26.896
[Julie Threet]: They've got their address and their names in the immunization database.

01:41:27.016 --> 01:41:31.841
[Julie Threet]: So it's very simple to send them a letter or just send the vaccinated a letter and say, hey, we know you were vaccinated.

01:41:32.161 --> 01:41:33.742
[Julie Threet]: We've heard that there's some potential issues.

01:41:34.063 --> 01:41:35.124
[Julie Threet]: What is your health like today?

01:41:35.464 --> 01:41:35.845
[Julie Threet]: Is it good?

01:41:35.885 --> 01:41:36.545
[Julie Threet]: Is it better?

01:41:36.605 --> 01:41:37.426
[Julie Threet]: Is it indifferent?

01:41:37.747 --> 01:41:39.189
[Julie Threet]: And maybe the person's dead, et cetera.

01:41:39.249 --> 01:41:51.504
[Julie Threet]: So I think if we start at those county levels, and I'm going to send Ron a message about that because, you know, he can look at Wisconsin, right, and go, look, Wisconsin's got like, I don't know, 3.9 million people of which 75% are vaccinated.

01:41:51.544 --> 01:41:52.425
[Julie Threet]: Send those people a letter.

01:41:52.485 --> 01:41:54.647
[Julie Threet]: And we're the clinical trial of vaccinated people.

01:41:55.188 --> 01:41:55.928
[Julie Threet]: How do you study us?

01:41:56.068 --> 01:41:59.349
[Julie Threet]: Send us a freaking letter and ask us, is your health better, worse, et cetera?

01:41:59.489 --> 01:42:00.529
[Julie Threet]: Did you follow VAERS report?

01:42:00.569 --> 01:42:01.129
[Julie Threet]: That kind of thing.

01:42:01.369 --> 01:42:03.470
[Julie Threet]: I know it costs money, but that's just a simple idea.

01:42:03.970 --> 01:42:07.250
[Julie Threet]: But yeah, this Colusa County, they defied the lockdowns.

01:42:07.310 --> 01:42:09.751
[Julie Threet]: They defied Gavin Newsom and said, no, we're not locking down.

01:42:10.351 --> 01:42:14.872
[Julie Threet]: So these supervisors are probably the bravest, most patriotic freedom fighters that I've faced so far.

01:42:14.952 --> 01:42:16.752
[Julie Threet]: So they were pretty impressed.

01:42:16.792 --> 01:42:18.992
[Julie Threet]: We gave them a lot of material in their hands.

01:42:19.152 --> 01:42:22.233
[Julie Threet]: And so we're hoping that they'll follow up with us and we'll get their sheriff involved.

01:42:22.873 --> 01:42:24.654
[Julie Threet]: My second point is Moderna.

01:42:24.774 --> 01:42:26.595
[Julie Threet]: I don't know why we're not going after Moderna.

01:42:26.975 --> 01:42:28.336
[Julie Threet]: Moderna is an American company.

01:42:28.576 --> 01:42:30.597
[Julie Threet]: It's the one that was created, I think, by the DOD.

01:42:30.617 --> 01:42:39.242
[Julie Threet]: Stéphane Banzel is the CEO, this French guy who worked for this BioMiro that helped build the lab in Wuhan.

01:42:39.403 --> 01:42:48.488
[Julie Threet]: I don't know why we don't have Banzel in front of Congress and hold Moderna, whose manufacturing facilities are in America, and focus on Moderna and not this beast of Pfizer.

01:42:49.048 --> 01:42:52.269
[Julie Threet]: Number three, I put the nine second clip of Javier Becerra.

01:42:52.289 --> 01:42:59.231
[Julie Threet]: So HHS Secretary Javier Becerra, the highest level man over the CDC, FDA, CMS, NIH.

01:42:59.732 --> 01:43:06.414
[Julie Threet]: He's got nine seconds on a YouTube video at the White House briefing saying that the vaccines are killing blacks at two times the rate of whites.

01:43:07.114 --> 01:43:21.199
[Julie Threet]: If Ron Johnson takes that nine-second clip and blasts it in a congressional hearing, go on the floor and blast this nine-second clip and call out Xavier Becerra and take him to task, to me, that would be another big opportunity that he can move forward on.

01:43:21.999 --> 01:43:26.220
[Julie Threet]: And then just last, you know, americansforhealthfreedom.org, that's Dr. Mary Talley-Bowden.

01:43:26.240 --> 01:43:30.442
[Julie Threet]: There's a few hundred other candidates and elected officials that are trying really hard.

01:43:30.482 --> 01:43:33.183
[Julie Threet]: I just don't think they can see the forest through the trees.

01:43:33.243 --> 01:43:36.504
[Julie Threet]: And so, yeah, if we get anything together with Ron Johnson,

01:43:36.724 --> 01:43:47.032
[Julie Threet]: being a vaccine-injured person working in these clinics, I have a ton of ideas and a ton of information on how things were administered and stored and the problems, and I think I can give them a lot of ideas.

01:43:47.112 --> 01:43:51.275
[Julie Threet]: But Sucharit, we're trying, and I think together we will, you know, get through this.

01:43:51.675 --> 01:43:56.359
[Julie Threet]: My only other question for you, I asked it last time, how's the king of Thailand's daughter?

01:43:56.379 --> 01:43:58.480
[Julie Threet]: She's the one that was vaccine-injured.

01:43:58.560 --> 01:43:58.960
[Julie Threet]: Thank you.

01:44:00.442 --> 01:44:02.423
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Well, there is no answer to the last.

01:44:03.924 --> 01:44:08.107
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I am afraid that she is not amongst us.

01:44:11.090 --> 01:44:14.893
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You know that he also has a son who has a turbo cancer.

01:44:17.375 --> 01:44:18.455
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: A doctor in America.

01:44:20.237 --> 01:44:20.457
[Stephen Frost]: Wow.

01:44:22.479 --> 01:44:24.540
[Stephen Frost]: Sucharit also vaccinated the son?

01:44:24.860 --> 01:44:26.742
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yes, yes, of course, they're all vaccinated.

01:44:27.543 --> 01:44:36.557
[Charles Kovess]: So Julie, the question that Sucharit is asking us to look at, and you might put it on the agenda, is to get the county supervisors.

01:44:36.778 --> 01:44:40.043
[Charles Kovess]: I think there are 57 counties in California, is that correct?

01:44:40.684 --> 01:44:40.824
[Julie Threet]: Yeah, 58.

01:44:42.296 --> 01:44:47.821
[Charles Kovess]: 58.

01:44:42.376 --> 01:44:47.821
[Charles Kovess]: So what was the lawfulness of the VAX authorizations in the county?

01:44:47.841 --> 01:44:51.224
[Charles Kovess]: And just keep asking that question.

01:44:53.306 --> 01:44:57.410
[Charles Kovess]: Because Julie and Ron Owens are going to these counties.

01:44:58.531 --> 01:45:03.476
[Charles Kovess]: Investigate the lawfulness of the VAX authorizations.

01:45:04.518 --> 01:45:06.279
[Julie Threet]: You know, the big thing for them, it's the money, right?

01:45:06.339 --> 01:45:12.543
[Julie Threet]: So the counties were paid money to administer these shots, and they got immunization assistance money.

01:45:12.603 --> 01:45:15.304
[Julie Threet]: So my county, they don't operate off any authority.

01:45:15.344 --> 01:45:16.485
[Julie Threet]: They point to the state, right?

01:45:16.505 --> 01:45:19.267
[Julie Threet]: It's the CDPH, it's the state that got the authorization.

01:45:19.667 --> 01:45:25.070
[Julie Threet]: But because they got money, they're scared that if they, you know, defy the state that they'll have to pay the money.

01:45:25.150 --> 01:45:26.030
[Julie Threet]: It's just ridiculous.

01:45:26.090 --> 01:45:26.511
[Julie Threet]: It's stupid.

01:45:26.551 --> 01:45:28.452
[Julie Threet]: But there was no authority at the county level.

01:45:28.772 --> 01:45:30.793
[Julie Threet]: but they can certainly lock it up and stop it.

01:45:30.873 --> 01:45:34.374
[Julie Threet]: Our sheriff can go lock up the vials at the public health department where she stores them.

01:45:34.734 --> 01:45:44.777
[Julie Threet]: So it's finding brave people, brave sheriff with the brave supervisors and the ones that will wanna defy and push Gavin Newsom and say, screw you, we don't care.

01:45:44.857 --> 01:45:48.518
[Julie Threet]: And Shasta County's one, Colusa County's one, and we'll see where the others fall out.

01:45:48.538 --> 01:45:51.299
[Charles Kovess]: Okay, yep, well said.

01:45:52.579 --> 01:45:54.380
[Charles Kovess]: All right, thank you, Julie.

01:45:54.480 --> 01:45:54.640
[Charles Kovess]: Jim.

01:45:57.054 --> 01:45:57.735
[jim]: Thank you very much.

01:45:57.835 --> 01:46:03.319
[jim]: And Senator Johnson asked a really good question.

01:46:04.860 --> 01:46:06.141
[jim]: Why does nobody want to know?

01:46:07.462 --> 01:46:09.703
[jim]: Why does nobody in Congress want to know?

01:46:11.104 --> 01:46:19.830
[jim]: And so, Dr. Bhakti, you're the last man standing here, and I really appreciate all your efforts from the beginning of this.

01:46:19.850 --> 01:46:24.173
[Stephen Frost]: The answer to that is they have no courage

01:46:26.398 --> 01:46:33.201
[jim]: There may be more than that.

01:46:33.361 --> 01:46:42.045
[jim]: For instance, the inquiry as to who killed JFK, even Trump was scared to release who killed JFK.

01:46:42.065 --> 01:46:44.886
[jim]: And we now know that it's intelligence agents who are involved.

01:46:48.753 --> 01:46:56.519
[jim]: That leads us back to the intelligence community involvement with Pfizer as an intelligence operation, Gilead as an intelligence operation, Department of Defense.

01:46:57.240 --> 01:47:03.785
[jim]: And the former head of Gilead was Don Rumsfeld before he became Secretary of Defense.

01:47:03.805 --> 01:47:10.190
[jim]: So we know that the Department of Defense is intertwined with the biopharmaceutical medical industry.

01:47:10.971 --> 01:47:26.168
[Stephen Frost]: The issue is the politicians are selfish and by their very nature they're always thinking of themselves, like many human beings in fact, but they're always thinking and what effect anything they might say might have on their political career.

01:47:26.508 --> 01:47:28.731
[Stephen Frost]: And we don't care about their political careers.

01:47:29.071 --> 01:47:29.812
[Stephen Frost]: They think we do.

01:47:32.034 --> 01:47:43.678
[jim]: So my question for Dr. Bhakti is, it looks like the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, there's a getting a lot of press, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in vaccine or virus form seems to be a biological weapon.

01:47:45.478 --> 01:47:53.281
[jim]: And this biological weapon, you know, there's a biological weapons convention that was signed by most of the countries.

01:47:55.922 --> 01:47:59.623
[jim]: And except it looks like Israel may not have signed it.

01:48:00.763 --> 01:48:05.687
[jim]: And so the question is really, are they the only ones who could have false flagged China with this?

01:48:06.367 --> 01:48:28.264
[jim]: And would there be a, and since PNAC, New American Century document that was written by Victoria Newland's husband, and I put it in the chat earlier, says that there may be a use for a genetically specific agent

01:48:29.659 --> 01:48:36.661
[jim]: Doesn't this all fit with the Georgia Guidestones that says depopulate the earth down to 500 million?

01:48:37.282 --> 01:48:47.365
[jim]: Doesn't this look like a biological weapon that has been deployed to genetically specifically take down the world in the name of climate change by the people who invented it?

01:48:48.185 --> 01:48:56.028
[jim]: And if so, and the Department of Defense is in on it, how are we gonna stop the Department of Defense teamed up with various countries

01:48:57.308 --> 01:49:07.601
[jim]: including our own government that have agreed on depopulating the earth in the model of the Georgia Guidestones that we're standing up 90 feet tall in granite that were just blown up and we don't know who did it.

01:49:08.181 --> 01:49:09.103
[jim]: We don't know who blew it up.

01:49:10.865 --> 01:49:11.646
[jim]: How are we going to stop this?

01:49:12.509 --> 01:49:17.651
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Well, Jim, listen, of course I agree with everything that you say.

01:49:19.972 --> 01:49:27.535
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I also think that this global agenda has been created by a handful of devils, okay?

01:49:28.096 --> 01:49:31.117
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And it's been carefully planned over decades.

01:49:31.897 --> 01:49:40.181
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And now we are living through... Yeah, well...

01:49:41.795 --> 01:49:42.195
[Stephen Frost]: Tyranny.

01:49:42.635 --> 01:49:43.715
[Stephen Frost]: Tyranny, Sucharit.

01:49:43.795 --> 01:49:45.216
[Stephen Frost]: Not only tyranny.

01:49:45.296 --> 01:49:46.516
[Stephen Frost]: Well, nearly.

01:49:47.216 --> 01:49:48.136
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's the end game.

01:49:48.316 --> 01:49:49.997
[Stephen Frost]: It's the end game.

01:49:50.037 --> 01:49:50.837
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yes.

01:49:51.497 --> 01:50:06.080
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So my only answer to that is that I see no way of stopping it by mass protests because of many reasons which we will not go into now.

01:50:06.720 --> 01:50:08.180
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: That is why I chose

01:50:09.554 --> 01:50:12.795
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I have chosen the other way, which is through politics.

01:50:13.356 --> 01:50:17.518
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, here, I would not entirely agree with Stephen.

01:50:17.998 --> 01:50:27.082
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You say politicians are always greedy and thinking of their own... Selfish, I said, Socrates.

01:50:28.010 --> 01:50:31.951
[Stephen Frost]: selfish and narcissistic.

01:50:32.271 --> 01:50:34.372
[Stephen Frost]: They think we care about their careers.

01:50:36.273 --> 01:50:37.853
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But there are exceptions.

01:50:37.973 --> 01:50:39.054
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: There are exceptions.

01:50:39.074 --> 01:50:41.555
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Look at Ron Johnson.

01:50:42.715 --> 01:50:54.659
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And thankfully, I'm very thankful for this, the exceptions in East Germany and in Austria.

01:50:55.663 --> 01:50:57.563
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: have now come into power.

01:50:57.783 --> 01:51:07.705
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You see, this is the difference between these states and America and the rest of the world, because they are out to change things.

01:51:08.346 --> 01:51:18.248
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And if things can be changed by the politicians themselves, they will, if they have the will to do so.

01:51:19.028 --> 01:51:24.689
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And there's just been, you know, Paul asking for the opinion of people

01:51:25.154 --> 01:51:26.135
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: in the different parties.

01:51:27.116 --> 01:51:39.871
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And 75% of the party that has won the elections in East Germany say they want to have an investigation committee set up in Parliament.

01:51:40.872 --> 01:51:41.873
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And they're going to do it.

01:51:43.120 --> 01:51:45.081
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And the same in Austria.

01:51:45.161 --> 01:51:47.422
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So it's a different situation, Stephen.

01:51:47.462 --> 01:51:49.063
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You can't say it's the same situation.

01:51:49.103 --> 01:51:52.505
[Stephen Frost]: Well, let's hope they're bright enough to choose the right witnesses, Socrates.

01:51:52.565 --> 01:51:54.826
[Stephen Frost]: You need to tell them which witnesses to listen to.

01:51:55.467 --> 01:52:00.389
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Well, Stephen, this is not a big secret, but of course I've already been asked.

01:52:00.970 --> 01:52:01.170
[Charles Kovess]: Good.

01:52:03.211 --> 01:52:03.671
[Charles Kovess]: Very good.

01:52:03.911 --> 01:52:10.415
[Charles Kovess]: There's another issue, and that is, it has to come from bottom up, from local,

01:52:11.308 --> 01:52:24.038
[Charles Kovess]: from local municipalities, from local communities, because the German government, just like the Australian government, just like many other countries, are given instructions by the globalists.

01:52:24.338 --> 01:52:25.719
[Charles Kovess]: They're given instructions.

01:52:25.799 --> 01:52:29.422
[Charles Kovess]: If you don't behave in a particular way, we need to understand that.

01:52:29.742 --> 01:52:30.443
[Charles Kovess]: That's the pressure.

01:52:30.763 --> 01:52:32.524
[Charles Kovess]: The US also has that same pressure.

01:52:32.844 --> 01:52:34.606
[Charles Kovess]: Bottom up, they don't have that control.

01:52:35.635 --> 01:52:44.967
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But Charles, you see, the thing is that these new parties that have now taken over are not under control.

01:52:45.187 --> 01:52:47.590
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They have not been bought and they will not be bought.

01:52:50.339 --> 01:52:52.320
[Charles Kovess]: They soon will be, probably, Sukharit.

01:52:52.340 --> 01:52:54.921
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No, no, don't be... Stephen, let's not start discussing.

01:52:54.941 --> 01:52:56.102
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Don't give us that negative shit.

01:52:56.182 --> 01:52:57.203
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No, I don't know.

01:52:57.223 --> 01:52:58.683
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I just have hope.

01:52:59.123 --> 01:52:59.444
[Stephen Frost]: OK.

01:52:59.464 --> 01:53:03.346
[Stephen Frost]: Well, I have hope, but I've lost a bit of faith in human beings.

01:53:03.866 --> 01:53:04.486
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I haven't.

01:53:04.626 --> 01:53:04.906
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I haven't.

01:53:04.926 --> 01:53:05.006
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: OK.

01:53:05.127 --> 01:53:06.947
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I know this guy personally.

01:53:07.068 --> 01:53:08.868
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: We're befriended.

01:53:08.928 --> 01:53:09.249
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Right.

01:53:09.289 --> 01:53:10.749
[Charles Kovess]: We've got two hands up.

01:53:10.769 --> 01:53:11.710
[Charles Kovess]: We've got Zorael.

01:53:11.790 --> 01:53:12.750
[Charles Kovess]: Stay here, Sukharit.

01:53:12.770 --> 01:53:14.832
[Charles Kovess]: We'll let you go after James Rogowski.

01:53:14.852 --> 01:53:16.352
[Charles Kovess]: But Zorael in Switzerland.

01:53:17.293 --> 01:53:17.413
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: OK.

01:53:19.380 --> 01:53:23.662
[Zarael]: Good evening, Dr. Bhakti, and thank you for taking your time with us this evening.

01:53:23.782 --> 01:53:27.945
[Zarael]: I would like to just clarify what Jim was saying a while ago.

01:53:28.445 --> 01:53:43.894
[Zarael]: It was Robert Kagan who papered the project for New American Century, where they spoke about the cataclysmic changes that the United States has to go through, bar something like Pearl Harbor, for them to change the system in the United States.

01:53:44.654 --> 01:53:53.937
[Zarael]: But coming back to you, certainly back to your comment of the King of Thailand's daughter who died, and I'm very sorry, and his son also.

01:53:53.957 --> 01:53:56.198
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's not an official statement.

01:53:56.238 --> 01:53:59.318
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: This has not officially been made.

01:53:59.498 --> 01:54:02.339
[Zarael]: I know, but I have been following the story for quite some time.

01:54:02.419 --> 01:54:07.481
[Zarael]: I did want to know if there was any legal consequences, because we did hear

01:54:07.961 --> 01:54:14.724
[Zarael]: that there was something coming for the WHO, that there was something, some kind of legal steps being taken.

01:54:14.784 --> 01:54:16.525
[Zarael]: Can you speak about that?

01:54:17.286 --> 01:54:21.688
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No, as you know, the situation in Thailand is complex.

01:54:21.948 --> 01:54:23.048
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It is really complex.

01:54:23.729 --> 01:54:30.772
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And I cannot and do not want to speak about it at the moment, because there are huge movements

01:54:33.652 --> 01:54:35.374
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: that are undercover, okay?

01:54:35.414 --> 01:54:37.255
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Okay, understand.

01:54:37.275 --> 01:54:44.421
[Zarael]: I'd like to come back to the, to the turbo cancer, which you spoke about also, because I have two data.

01:54:44.441 --> 01:54:48.304
[Zarael]: I have actually data from Switzerland in, from 2021 and compared to 2016, 17, 18, all the way to 2021.

01:54:48.504 --> 01:54:50.566
[Zarael]: In the year 2020 to 2021, there was an increase of 249%.

01:55:02.409 --> 01:55:05.290
[Zarael]: of cancer between the ages of zero to 14.

01:55:05.450 --> 01:55:06.070
[Zarael]: Sure.

01:55:06.090 --> 01:55:14.173
[Zarael]: Do you have any new information for years 2022, 23 and 2024?

01:55:14.773 --> 01:55:15.413
[Zarael]: Is there any?

01:55:16.073 --> 01:55:19.754
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I don't keep track of the numbers, because numbers don't really interest me.

01:55:20.674 --> 01:55:25.856
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: What interests me is the mechanism of how these develop.

01:55:26.536 --> 01:55:29.557
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And there, there's very, very interesting new data.

01:55:30.417 --> 01:55:32.318
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: which, however, I will not talk about.

01:55:34.179 --> 01:55:41.461
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Many paths lead to Rome, and many paths lead to cancer in the vaccinated.

01:55:42.361 --> 01:55:43.782
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They're now being unraveled.

01:55:45.802 --> 01:55:49.445
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So some extremely exciting data coming out now.

01:55:50.286 --> 01:55:53.209
[Zarael]: No, the question is, is there anywhere to find this data?

01:55:53.369 --> 01:55:54.290
[Zarael]: No, not yet.

01:55:54.450 --> 01:55:55.291
[Zarael]: It's not been published.

01:55:55.731 --> 01:56:06.801
[Zarael]: Because I also have from Germany the excessive deaths, which was also on the data, on the file that I'm looking at, you can see that it was over, well over 150%.

01:56:06.901 --> 01:56:07.401
[Zarael]: Sure, sure, sure.

01:56:07.421 --> 01:56:09.223
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And there's no doubt at all

01:56:12.950 --> 01:56:14.111
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: the vaccines are doing this.

01:56:14.771 --> 01:56:15.452
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: There is no doubt.

01:56:16.713 --> 01:56:22.497
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The question is how to prove it scientifically, with which data.

01:56:23.698 --> 01:56:28.601
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And right now, very, very exciting things are happening.

01:56:29.322 --> 01:56:29.642
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Really.

01:56:30.963 --> 01:56:36.267
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So that with God's help, I'm not doing this work.

01:56:36.347 --> 01:56:38.629
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's the team, you know, around us.

01:56:40.268 --> 01:56:45.695
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And they teamed up with Kevin McKernan, the German group, our group.

01:56:47.778 --> 01:56:55.068
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Really, they have already discovered something that is so stunning.

01:56:57.743 --> 01:57:03.968
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I tell them they should publish this as soon as possible, but they don't want to publish it until they know all the details.

01:57:04.068 --> 01:57:06.610
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And I keep telling them, don't go for the details.

01:57:06.690 --> 01:57:10.574
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's enough now, you know, this data alone.

01:57:11.154 --> 01:57:12.075
[Stephen Frost]: The big idea, yeah.

01:57:13.362 --> 01:57:16.884
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No, the data alone is showing something that is so stunning.

01:57:18.164 --> 01:57:22.607
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And should be enough to stop the whole thing.

01:57:22.627 --> 01:57:41.176
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: When you see the my big worry, worry, and I've been carrying this worry around with my myself for two years, is that so much attention is being paid to the spike protein.

01:57:42.222 --> 01:57:46.743
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And everyone is saying that it's a spike, it's a bioweapon, you know, and all this.

01:57:49.284 --> 01:57:57.925
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: What I'm afraid of is that the guys behind the scenes are going to say, okay, we'll take down the COVID vaccine.

01:58:00.066 --> 01:58:07.287
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But instead, all the other vaccines are going to come through the back door, as they are already doing now.

01:58:08.248 --> 01:58:09.588
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And I want to warn the world

01:58:10.492 --> 01:58:20.223
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: not to fall for this ruse and not to give them the chance to step down with the COVID and then come in with the others.

01:58:20.944 --> 01:58:21.165
[Charles Kovess]: Correct.

01:58:21.185 --> 01:58:21.625
[Charles Kovess]: Absolutely.

01:58:21.645 --> 01:58:24.548
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Because the others are going to cause exactly the same thing.

01:58:26.921 --> 01:58:39.792
[Stephen Frost]: Maybe that was why Barik was looking into the spike protein for 30 years, because they wanted to create this story, you know, about the spike protein, it was COVID was all about the spike protein.

01:58:40.113 --> 01:58:44.897
[Stephen Frost]: Yes, they could then take it away and then push the others, which they introduced.

01:58:46.098 --> 01:58:49.501
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And I said, so I was warning people two and a half years ago,

01:58:50.939 --> 01:58:51.439
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Malmo.

01:58:52.039 --> 01:58:52.819
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I give this talk.

01:58:53.199 --> 01:58:59.021
[Charles Kovess]: And we've had Curtis Coste since 1991 warning against injections.

01:59:00.281 --> 01:59:04.902
[Charles Kovess]: So, everybody, no fucking injections.

01:59:04.962 --> 01:59:05.842
[Charles Kovess]: Thank you, Zarael.

01:59:05.862 --> 01:59:06.402
[Charles Kovess]: We'll go on.

01:59:07.082 --> 01:59:07.682
[Charles Kovess]: Thank you.

01:59:07.702 --> 01:59:13.064
[Stephen Frost]: Can I just say, Zarael, you know the project for the New American Century document you were talking about?

01:59:13.504 --> 01:59:13.624
[Charles Kovess]: Yes.

01:59:13.644 --> 01:59:17.765
[Stephen Frost]: So, I was very familiar with the people who drafted that, you know,

01:59:20.365 --> 01:59:25.607
[Stephen Frost]: Yeah, Shaney, Rumsfeld, a lot of them.

01:59:25.647 --> 01:59:26.768
[Stephen Frost]: Yeah, Pearl, another.

01:59:28.108 --> 01:59:39.933
[Stephen Frost]: And the line, the famous line that you were referring to, I think, was the Project for the New American Century was saying that all these changes are necessary for the good of America in the next century.

01:59:41.134 --> 01:59:44.936
[Stephen Frost]: And so it was the neocons who were behind this, as I understood it.

01:59:45.176 --> 01:59:45.376
[Zarael]: Yes.

01:59:45.936 --> 01:59:54.018
[Stephen Frost]: And even the attorney general at the time, whose name was, it's gone, he was in on it as well.

01:59:54.298 --> 02:00:10.742
[Stephen Frost]: But the famous line you're talking about was that we, of course, we cannot do this without, including wars in Afghanistan and other states, you know, we cannot do this without a Pearl Harbor type event.

02:00:11.102 --> 02:00:11.503
[Stephen Frost]: Exactly.

02:00:11.543 --> 02:00:12.583
[Stephen Frost]: That was before

02:00:13.183 --> 02:00:13.943
[Stephen Frost]: 9-11.

02:00:13.963 --> 02:00:18.145
[Stephen Frost]: 9-11 was that Pearl Harbor type event.

02:00:18.265 --> 02:00:20.845
[Stephen Frost]: Exactly, that's correct.

02:00:21.365 --> 02:00:23.086
[Charles Kovess]: All right, thank you very much.

02:00:23.506 --> 02:00:24.186
[Charles Kovess]: Thanks, Uriel.

02:00:24.747 --> 02:00:25.287
[Charles Kovess]: James.

02:00:29.268 --> 02:00:31.869
[James Roguski]: Hey, thank you for all of this information.

02:00:32.489 --> 02:00:36.050
[James Roguski]: Dr. Bakhti, I want to ask you a very simple question.

02:00:37.470 --> 02:00:42.752
[James Roguski]: Can you repeat very clearly what your goal

02:00:43.684 --> 02:00:43.824
[James Roguski]: is.

02:00:44.764 --> 02:00:51.545
[James Roguski]: What I heard involved the WHO, and I've done a little bit of work on the WHO.

02:00:52.346 --> 02:01:00.927
[James Roguski]: And the question is, are you concerned mostly about the mRNA platform or vaccines in general?

02:01:01.167 --> 02:01:06.208
[James Roguski]: And I'm here to participate and support your efforts however I might.

02:01:06.228 --> 02:01:08.348
[James Roguski]: I put my contact information in there many times.

02:01:08.888 --> 02:01:11.369
[James Roguski]: Please feel free to have anybody on your team reach out to me.

02:01:13.306 --> 02:01:19.731
[James Roguski]: What very clearly are you concerned about and what is the goal that you hope to achieve?

02:01:20.491 --> 02:01:22.753
[James Roguski]: What is it exactly that you want to stop?

02:01:23.493 --> 02:01:24.154
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: All right, James.

02:01:24.534 --> 02:01:36.643
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Listen, as everyone here knows, this whole war is being pushed

02:01:38.410 --> 02:01:39.230
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: by the DoD.

02:01:40.151 --> 02:01:44.514
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And there are three complexes, right?

02:01:44.974 --> 02:02:00.283
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The military-industrial complex, with the creation of weapons, where different nations are encouraged to kill each other, fight each other, and buy everything from the Americans.

02:02:02.984 --> 02:02:03.705
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Then you have the

02:02:05.152 --> 02:02:25.108
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: a military financial complex, where they're going for the money, creating digital currencies so that they can create their own elitist world, and the rest of the world is at their mercy.

02:02:26.349 --> 02:02:27.570
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And the third is the

02:02:29.192 --> 02:02:51.630
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: digital medicinal complex, I don't say pharmaceutical complex, medicinal complex, with which they are going to take control of the health, the minds, and the bodies of the world population.

02:02:53.271 --> 02:02:58.395
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And they need all three legs to stomp on.

02:02:59.949 --> 02:03:08.074
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: If you can sever one leg, this monster will not be able to run anymore with the speed that it needs.

02:03:09.495 --> 02:03:24.104
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So my goal is to try to cut the leg of this military medicinal complex.

02:03:25.171 --> 02:03:35.640
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, the main instrument that they have are the gene-based vaccines, for reasons that we don't have to go into now.

02:03:36.360 --> 02:03:44.146
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But the reasons are very clear, very easy to understand, and very convincing.

02:03:45.828 --> 02:03:50.211
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Because with these so-called vaccines, they can

02:03:51.722 --> 02:03:58.508
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: accomplish many things, they can kill many flies at the same time.

02:04:00.049 --> 02:04:17.583
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They can control the world population, perform eugenics, sterilization, and at the same time, they can introduce

02:04:21.806 --> 02:04:25.268
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: particles into the body that will act as transmitters.

02:04:26.408 --> 02:04:28.289
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I believe that they are on the way there.

02:04:28.750 --> 02:04:31.871
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I don't think it's being done now, but it's going to be done.

02:04:33.992 --> 02:04:50.501
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And they can choose whom they want to exterminate, because it's so easy to distribute these vials in a controlled fashion.

02:04:51.693 --> 02:04:56.035
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: so they can save themselves and get rid of the others.

02:04:56.476 --> 02:04:56.816
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: All right?

02:04:56.836 --> 02:04:58.076
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: This is terrible.

02:04:58.797 --> 02:05:09.823
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And furthermore, because there's no control over these gene-based vaccines, especially the RNA, it's very, very versatile.

02:05:10.843 --> 02:05:14.285
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And they can put into these vials whatever they want.

02:05:15.652 --> 02:05:20.113
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And genetic engineering has come a long way now.

02:05:20.813 --> 02:05:28.935
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So I know that Bill Gates has been interested in life prolongation medicines, especially for himself.

02:05:30.776 --> 02:05:38.778
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And I know that they are developing agents that theoretically may do this.

02:05:40.658 --> 02:05:42.859
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So the vision they have is,

02:05:43.951 --> 02:05:55.495
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: For ourselves, we will have these agents that turn our lives into, you know, paradise for centuries, because we will not die anymore.

02:05:56.415 --> 02:05:58.016
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Ridiculous.

02:05:59.496 --> 02:06:00.457
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But they believe in this.

02:06:01.117 --> 02:06:03.718
[Stephen Frost]: Oh yes, no, I meant they're ridiculous, not you, of course.

02:06:04.471 --> 02:06:07.935
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No, of course it won't work.

02:06:07.955 --> 02:06:10.197
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Of course it won't work, but they believe it.

02:06:10.878 --> 02:06:11.839
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Bill Gates thinks so.

02:06:13.261 --> 02:06:18.827
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And therefore they have set everything on this horse.

02:06:20.749 --> 02:06:25.270
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And the WHO declared this openly.

02:06:25.710 --> 02:06:29.071
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They're going to put everything on an RNA basis.

02:06:30.091 --> 02:06:46.135
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Furthermore, they're going to start treating the major simulatory diseases like coronary heart disease, diabetes, all right, with new agents that are all based on the RNA platform.

02:06:47.219 --> 02:06:54.348
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Because there's no legislation anymore, you have no processes that they have to go through.

02:06:56.391 --> 02:06:59.374
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Authorization, they are automatically authorized.

02:07:01.337 --> 02:07:02.979
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And that's why I think

02:07:04.594 --> 02:07:11.120
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: that this is the Achilles heel that we should, that I myself, I'm going to aim at.

02:07:11.821 --> 02:07:15.264
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Stop the RNA vaccines, all of them.

02:07:16.084 --> 02:07:19.708
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And with that, we have severed that leg, the third leg there.

02:07:20.608 --> 02:07:20.909
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Okay.

02:07:23.851 --> 02:07:25.032
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Have I answered your question?

02:07:26.233 --> 02:07:26.794
[James Roguski]: Yes, you did.

02:07:26.914 --> 02:07:28.315
[James Roguski]: And, you know, count me in.

02:07:28.475 --> 02:07:28.816
[James Roguski]: I'm with you.

02:07:28.836 --> 02:07:28.956
[James Roguski]: I'll

02:07:29.595 --> 02:07:30.035
[James Roguski]: 100 percent.

02:07:30.296 --> 02:07:35.339
[James Roguski]: And I don't know, Charles or Stephen, one of you said you had thoughts of the team.

02:07:35.719 --> 02:07:39.021
[James Roguski]: By all means, by all means, count me in.

02:07:40.842 --> 02:07:46.966
[Stephen Frost]: James Rutkowski is an expert on, a self-taught expert on the WHO.

02:07:48.390 --> 02:07:49.251
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yes, yes, I know.

02:07:49.752 --> 02:07:50.673
[Stephen Frost]: Oh, you know who it is?

02:07:50.753 --> 02:07:51.494
[Charles Kovess]: Okay, very good.

02:07:52.074 --> 02:07:52.455
[Charles Kovess]: All right.

02:07:52.495 --> 02:07:58.362
[Charles Kovess]: Like our last question to you, Sucharit, before Stephen Glenn says he's got a 30 second question.

02:07:58.602 --> 02:07:59.203
[Charles Kovess]: Go for it, Glenn.

02:08:00.124 --> 02:08:00.464
[GlenMacko]: Thank you.

02:08:01.405 --> 02:08:07.613
[GlenMacko]: Dr. Bakke, you described something coming along that you think will be a very positive protocol.

02:08:09.187 --> 02:08:25.251
[GlenMacko]: Are you familiar with the Dr. Peter McCullers well-documented spike protein detox, and might that be a useful path for people to start with right now while they wait for whatever is coming along from the group you're working with?

02:08:25.811 --> 02:08:30.792
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Well, I'm very hesitant about that because I'm not a great believer

02:08:31.512 --> 02:08:35.293
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: in the major role that the spike protein itself has.

02:08:36.133 --> 02:08:47.497
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: All right, I keep saying, guys, listen, quantities play a great role in biology.

02:08:48.057 --> 02:08:52.078
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: The spike protein itself is certainly a poison, okay?

02:08:52.698 --> 02:08:57.600
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But I don't think there's enough of this poison to cause all the damage that we see.

02:08:58.160 --> 02:08:59.861
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: What one has to realize is that

02:09:02.563 --> 02:09:08.924
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: If an alien protein is produced by a cell, that cell will become the target of immune attack.

02:09:09.604 --> 02:09:13.465
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So one spike protein by itself sitting on a cell will do nothing.

02:09:14.225 --> 02:09:22.006
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But if that one spike protein is attacked by the immune system, then an explosion occurs, you see?

02:09:22.426 --> 02:09:31.728
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So the damage done by the immune system magnifies thousands of folds the damage that one protein can do

02:09:32.532 --> 02:09:32.812
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: alone.

02:09:33.373 --> 02:09:46.724
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And therefore, I cannot believe that the detoxification protocols can really work.

02:09:47.845 --> 02:09:53.230
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I believe in certain things in those protocols, but not all.

02:09:53.250 --> 02:09:54.931
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Thank you.

02:09:56.530 --> 02:09:56.930
[Charles Kovess]: Thank you.

02:09:57.291 --> 02:09:58.031
[Charles Kovess]: Thank you, Glenn.

02:09:58.531 --> 02:09:58.972
[Charles Kovess]: All right.

02:09:59.172 --> 02:10:00.793
[Charles Kovess]: Sucharit, we know you're tight.

02:10:00.853 --> 02:10:03.214
[Charles Kovess]: Stephen, over to you, Stephen, for the last.

02:10:03.234 --> 02:10:04.595
[Charles Kovess]: You've got to go, Sucharit, I know.

02:10:04.615 --> 02:10:04.655
[Charles Kovess]: OK.

02:10:06.537 --> 02:10:16.503
[Stephen Frost]: So I was going to ask you, Sucharit, one of the problems we seem to have amongst the good people on our side is that they don't understand causation.

02:10:17.184 --> 02:10:25.329
[Stephen Frost]: And I just wonder whether you could speak about that a little bit to throw light on why it's so difficult to prove causation.

02:10:26.890 --> 02:10:35.496
[Stephen Frost]: And also, the other thing I would like to ask you, so as a medical doctor, I think that it's very important that doctors don't just follow protocols.

02:10:35.536 --> 02:10:40.559
[Stephen Frost]: In fact, they shouldn't follow any protocols because that takes away their authenticity, if you like.

02:10:40.619 --> 02:10:46.143
[Stephen Frost]: It takes away the autonomous doctor who is serving his patient.

02:10:46.904 --> 02:10:56.330
[Stephen Frost]: So I think that these evidence-based medicine has led to protocols, and maybe that's why evidence-based medicine was highlighted.

02:10:56.950 --> 02:11:04.413
[Stephen Frost]: because it actually took the power away from autonomous doctors who had medical ethics working for their patients.

02:11:04.813 --> 02:11:06.353
[Stephen Frost]: And that was the intention, in my opinion.

02:11:06.573 --> 02:11:09.134
[Stephen Frost]: So I wonder whether you could speak about those two things.

02:11:09.474 --> 02:11:09.895
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No, no.

02:11:10.735 --> 02:11:13.576
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Just causation, please, because there was, you know, time.

02:11:13.636 --> 02:11:13.856
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: All right.

02:11:15.003 --> 02:11:22.005
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Listen, causation can be shown if you know where to look for it.

02:11:23.846 --> 02:11:41.791
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And as I think we discussed this together three years ago, the way to prove causation was the pathology, to look at the tissues like Virchow did, to find out whether there was something typical.

02:11:46.073 --> 02:11:53.019
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: pathognomonic, meaning absolutely singular and particular for the vaccination.

02:11:53.820 --> 02:12:04.268
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And, and, and four years ago, I said, I feared that we will be seeing lots of clots.

02:12:05.229 --> 02:12:05.709
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Absolutely.

02:12:05.730 --> 02:12:06.230
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I remember that.

02:12:06.250 --> 02:12:06.330
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yeah.

02:12:07.731 --> 02:12:08.933
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: That was four years ago.

02:12:08.953 --> 02:12:10.394
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And you're dead right.

02:12:11.476 --> 02:12:11.736
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yes.

02:12:11.836 --> 02:12:17.283
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But, you know, Stephen, I've never been wrong in anything very important in life.

02:12:17.623 --> 02:12:18.644
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No.

02:12:18.945 --> 02:12:25.993
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Because what I said and what I'm saying can be read in the textbooks of medicine.

02:12:26.934 --> 02:12:27.335
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Absolutely.

02:12:28.639 --> 02:12:29.380
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's all known.

02:12:29.500 --> 02:12:30.660
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's not my discovery.

02:12:31.761 --> 02:12:39.585
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I was just saying that if the textbooks are right, then there will be clots forming in all vessels from head to toe.

02:12:39.625 --> 02:12:42.146
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You won't know where they are, but they're going to be there.

02:12:42.787 --> 02:12:44.968
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And this is what pathologists have found.

02:12:45.728 --> 02:12:54.033
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And I also said that there will be quasi autoimmune attack on tissues

02:12:55.083 --> 02:13:02.205
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Because as I said just 10 minutes ago, any cell that dares to produce an alien protein is going to come under immune attack.

02:13:02.825 --> 02:13:09.266
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And that has also been shown to occur in people who had died after vaccination.

02:13:09.586 --> 02:13:18.849
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: They see the inflammation, the autoimmune attack in various tissues, from brain, heart, lung, to anything you want.

02:13:18.869 --> 02:13:19.709
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Okay?

02:13:20.709 --> 02:13:24.631
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: That is so typical, and it does not occur in any other disease.

02:13:25.111 --> 02:13:26.812
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So it is caused by the vaccine.

02:13:27.452 --> 02:13:40.638
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Now, moreover, you can now find the vaccine by immunohistochemical staining, and the spike protein has been found, okay, all over the bodies of these guys.

02:13:41.198 --> 02:13:44.780
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So it's proven that causality is there.

02:13:45.220 --> 02:13:47.041
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And now I come to one last thing.

02:13:47.521 --> 02:13:49.102
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You know that the U.S.

02:13:50.350 --> 02:13:55.951
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: National Academy of Sciences, which is sort of like the Royal Society in England.

02:13:57.352 --> 02:14:00.412
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It published this paper in April 2024.

02:14:01.152 --> 02:14:12.555
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It had set up a commission, a committee, to find out whether they could show causality between

02:14:14.105 --> 02:14:20.808
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: any of these diseases that people got after vaccination and the vaccination itself?

02:14:21.548 --> 02:14:39.797
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And you probably know that the answer was, we have regrettably not been able to firmly or absolutely establish causation in any of these 500 conditions with one exception, right?

02:14:41.497 --> 02:14:42.658
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You know what the exception was?

02:14:44.284 --> 02:14:48.870
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: No, you don't, but it's written, you can, this is published.

02:14:50.331 --> 02:14:52.174
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Rheumatic myocarditis.

02:14:52.788 --> 02:14:53.468
[Stephen Frost]: Oh, yes, of course.

02:14:53.488 --> 02:14:53.669
[Stephen Frost]: Yeah.

02:14:54.549 --> 02:14:56.430
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yeah, but but this is very important.

02:14:57.351 --> 02:15:13.220
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And they stated, further research into this area will not lead to any other conclusion, meaning that if anyone who was previously healthy, got vaccinated, and then subsequently got a myocarditis,

02:15:14.261 --> 02:15:16.362
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: causality is proven.

02:15:17.043 --> 02:15:18.043
[Stephen Frost]: You don't have to do anything.

02:15:18.403 --> 02:15:19.244
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: You can go to court.

02:15:19.764 --> 02:15:26.828
[Stephen Frost]: But a lot of people don't understand the importance of what that, you know, what it means when they're admitting myocarditis occurs.

02:15:27.908 --> 02:15:32.351
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So the essential thing, I don't care.

02:15:32.371 --> 02:15:40.095
[Stephen Frost]: I just wanted to make the point that, you know, that you could have a subclinical myocarditis attack,

02:15:40.535 --> 02:15:44.456
[Stephen Frost]: which could shorten your life by 10 to 20 years and no one would ever know.

02:15:45.017 --> 02:15:52.439
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But Stephen, okay, look, this I have also written in my autobiography, in the extended version.

02:15:52.519 --> 02:15:53.679
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's all there, okay?

02:15:54.260 --> 02:15:55.040
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Anyone can read it.

02:15:55.560 --> 02:16:02.782
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's appearing in 40 languages, so don't say that there was no way to know.

02:16:02.903 --> 02:16:05.763
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: There is a simple way to know, just read it, okay?

02:16:05.884 --> 02:16:10.065
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It's a very short book, but it contains all the essential information.

02:16:10.393 --> 02:16:27.509
[Stephen Frost]: So another thing that you brilliantly pointed out in early 2021 when we were doing the letters to the European Medicines Agency, you said, you postulated, you hypothesized that the biggest problem would occur in vessels of slow blood flow.

02:16:27.529 --> 02:16:36.176
[Stephen Frost]: And then you went on to say in the brain that the worst place in your opinion was the cerebral venous sinus.

02:16:38.078 --> 02:16:41.582
[Stephen Frost]: And so the risk was you could get venous sinus, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.

02:16:42.082 --> 02:16:43.183
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Not the worst case.

02:16:43.363 --> 02:16:44.184
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It wasn't the worst.

02:16:44.485 --> 02:16:45.826
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It would also take place there.

02:16:46.366 --> 02:16:51.091
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: In fact, all small vessels and veins of the brain, all.

02:16:51.752 --> 02:16:54.334
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And that's what has been found now.

02:16:55.215 --> 02:17:03.499
[Stephen Frost]: But then, if you remember the third letter so quick, you then brilliantly used your, no, but you're so modest.

02:17:04.260 --> 02:17:10.403
[Stephen Frost]: You said you've got this slow blood flow in the cerebral sinus thrombosis.

02:17:10.423 --> 02:17:16.206
[Stephen Frost]: You thought that was a possibility that there would be a huge rise in the incidence of that.

02:17:17.466 --> 02:17:20.468
[Stephen Frost]: And then you said anyone with headache, for example,

02:17:20.848 --> 02:17:23.575
[Stephen Frost]: needs to be investigated with that in mind.

02:17:24.016 --> 02:17:25.159
[Stephen Frost]: Very important point.

02:17:27.179 --> 02:17:27.479
[Stephen Frost]: Yes.

02:17:28.019 --> 02:17:33.241
[Charles Kovess]: All right, Sucharit, we're letting you go and we're going to end this meeting.

02:17:33.261 --> 02:17:37.663
[Stephen Frost]: But the point about that, the point about that, Sucharit, so viewers may not understand.

02:17:37.703 --> 02:17:47.787
[Stephen Frost]: So the point is that the, you know, VAERS, for example, it could be reported that someone's got headache, you know, or millions have got headache, you know, but it was a minor thing.

02:17:48.067 --> 02:17:55.750
[Stephen Frost]: But actually it could be, it could be a diagnosis of a subclinical or relatively subclinical CVST.

02:17:57.915 --> 02:17:59.316
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: All right, because I'm going to leave.

02:17:59.336 --> 02:18:03.117
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: But let me give you one last piece of information, OK?

02:18:04.418 --> 02:18:21.966
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Austrian doctors, a little team, have found out that there's one very simple method to find out whether the capillaries in the body are, yeah,

02:18:23.726 --> 02:18:27.929
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: a non abnormal, because compromised, compromised.

02:18:28.690 --> 02:18:35.074
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And this is the what is called nail bed, finger bed, capillary microscopy.

02:18:36.855 --> 02:18:37.056
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: Yeah.

02:18:37.656 --> 02:18:42.880
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: So there's an instrument where you can just see the capillaries of the nail bed.

02:18:43.720 --> 02:18:49.705
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And the first patients that have been looked at are extremely promising because they found

02:18:54.088 --> 02:18:59.310
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: disturbances that could then be treated, okay?

02:19:01.051 --> 02:19:13.115
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: And so, Stephen, I want to give this to you, as a doctor, so that you spread the information that this, I don't know, nail bed capillarscopy, I think it's called, yeah,

02:19:13.715 --> 02:19:26.516
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: It could be a simple method for any doctor in the world to use to diagnose vaccine-mediated vascular injury.

02:19:28.115 --> 02:19:31.416
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: non-invasive, it's cheap, and it's simple.

02:19:31.917 --> 02:19:36.918
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I can't do it, but the textbooks tell you how to do it.

02:19:38.679 --> 02:19:39.759
[Stephen Frost]: I probably can't do it either.

02:19:39.859 --> 02:19:43.740
[Stephen Frost]: I could probably find someone who could.

02:19:44.141 --> 02:19:45.121
[Charles Kovess]: Someone put it in the chat.

02:19:45.341 --> 02:19:46.281
[Charles Kovess]: It's so great.

02:19:46.301 --> 02:19:47.522
[Charles Kovess]: It's a nail bed.

02:19:48.082 --> 02:19:48.342
[Charles Kovess]: What?

02:19:50.463 --> 02:19:52.003
[Zarael]: Yeah, something like that.

02:19:52.663 --> 02:19:52.923
[Stephen Frost]: Right.

02:19:56.621 --> 02:19:57.422
[Stephen Frost]: You can research it.

02:19:57.622 --> 02:19:59.463
[Stephen Frost]: You can research it today, Charles.

02:19:59.583 --> 02:20:01.344
[Stephen Frost]: You're beginning your day in Australia.

02:20:02.745 --> 02:20:03.686
[Charles Kovess]: I'm not going to research it.

02:20:03.706 --> 02:20:05.567
[Charles Kovess]: Someone will put it into the chat.

02:20:06.588 --> 02:20:08.049
[Charles Kovess]: I was joking, Charles.

02:20:08.889 --> 02:20:11.751
[Sucharit Bhakdi]: I think it's a capillaroscopy.

02:20:12.432 --> 02:20:14.273
[Charles Kovess]: Siobhan has put it in.

02:20:14.333 --> 02:20:19.056
[Charles Kovess]: Nail bed capillaroscopy test to diagnose vaccine-mediated vascular injury.

02:20:19.076 --> 02:20:19.836
[Charles Kovess]: Thank you, Siobhan.

02:20:19.876 --> 02:20:20.397
[Charles Kovess]: Well noted.

02:20:23.674 --> 02:20:24.034
[Charles Kovess]: Very good.

02:20:24.235 --> 02:20:24.975
[Charles Kovess]: Thank you, Sucharit.

02:20:25.035 --> 02:20:27.378
[Charles Kovess]: Okay, we've got a whole two and a half hours.

02:20:27.458 --> 02:20:30.041
[Charles Kovess]: Sucharit, you've done brilliantly.

02:20:30.061 --> 02:20:32.023
[Charles Kovess]: Go and do some meditation now.

02:20:32.483 --> 02:20:39.451
[Charles Kovess]: And we pointed out there's a comment in the chat about the placebo effect.

02:20:39.491 --> 02:20:41.953
[Charles Kovess]: Of course, there's a placebo effect where

02:20:44.156 --> 02:20:50.484
[Charles Kovess]: not only 99.999% empty space, we're entirely empty space, so that your thoughts create it.

02:20:50.804 --> 02:20:52.967
[Charles Kovess]: Suchariti, you were talking about the mind-body-spirit.

02:20:53.007 --> 02:20:54.489
[Charles Kovess]: That's exactly what it's about.

02:20:54.509 --> 02:20:56.251
[Charles Kovess]: Take off one of the legs and they're stuffed.

02:20:56.331 --> 02:20:59.074
[Charles Kovess]: So, James, thank you for your contribution.

02:20:59.114 --> 02:21:00.656
[Charles Kovess]: Thank you to everyone for your contribution.

02:21:00.676 --> 02:21:01.597
[Charles Kovess]: Thank you for the wonderful

02:21:02.418 --> 02:21:15.606
[Charles Kovess]: contributions to the chat, and we've got lots of work to do everybody, so time to come to these meetings so that you realize we've got another three years of hard work ahead of us, so no getting tired and look after your health.

02:21:15.646 --> 02:21:16.727
[Charles Kovess]: Sucharit, thank you so much.

02:21:16.747 --> 02:21:18.048
[Charles Kovess]: Big round of applause, everybody.

02:21:18.068 --> 02:21:20.369
[Stephen Frost]: Oh yes, very good.

02:21:20.489 --> 02:21:20.730
[Stephen Frost]: Thank you.

02:21:20.770 --> 02:21:23.371
[Stephen Frost]: Thank you all.

02:21:23.551 --> 02:21:24.192
[Stephen Frost]: Thank you all.

02:21:25.032 --> 02:21:26.954
[Stephen Frost]: Still drawing applause, Sucharit.

02:21:27.094 --> 02:21:28.074
[Stephen Frost]: I know you're modest, but

02:21:31.847 --> 02:21:32.308
[Stephen Frost]: OK.

02:21:32.808 --> 02:21:33.169
[Stephen Frost]: Thank you.

02:21:33.789 --> 02:21:34.390
[Charles Kovess]: Thanks, everybody.

02:21:34.410 --> 02:21:35.150
[Charles Kovess]: Thanks, Stephen.

02:21:36.091 --> 02:21:36.472
[Charles Kovess]: Bye-bye.

02:21:36.772 --> 02:21:37.313
[Charles Kovess]: Bye, everybody.

02:21:37.333 --> 02:21:38.013
[Charles Kovess]: Thank you, Charles.

02:21:39.294 --> 02:21:39.695
[Charles Kovess]: Well done.

02:21:41.356 --> 02:21:42.017
[Charles Kovess]: Thanks, everybody.

02:21:47.963 --> 02:21:49.424
[Stephen Frost]: So what do people think?

02:21:49.464 --> 02:21:54.509
[Stephen Frost]: Do you think we should have multiple guests, conversations?

02:21:55.660 --> 02:21:57.121
[Charles Kovess]: Just one guest at a time.

02:21:57.161 --> 02:21:58.202
[Charles Kovess]: That's a big conversation.

02:21:58.242 --> 02:21:59.584
[Charles Kovess]: We'll hold it.

02:21:59.604 --> 02:22:04.048
[Charles Kovess]: But there's Tom Rodman's got to have a conversation in the video telegram meeting, Stephen, with Tom Rodman.

02:22:04.068 --> 02:22:04.708
[Charles Kovess]: That's a good idea.

02:22:05.669 --> 02:22:06.069
[Charles Kovess]: Sure, yeah.